The Weekend

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Eddie Pov

I pack my clothes up so I'm ready for when I need to get to Gaege's house. I wonder what'll be like to fake date him. I've always had a subtle attraction towards him. Just a slight pull towards him. My body is just wondering, wanting to experiment. I've let it pull me a bit to far though because I'm overly excited about this weekend. A whole weekend of "dating" Gaege. What a wonder! But I have to reign it in. I can't act like that in front of him. Sure he's gay but why would he ever have a crush on me? We're just best bros anyway. We're just helping each other out. He'll repay me somehow. Maybe with a kiss... No! Stop thinking that way. He sees me as just a friend and that's the end of the conversation. It would mess everything up anyway. F*ck it all up. Everything we had based our relationship would be lies then. I through a few more clothes into the suitcase I zip it up and pull it out to my car. I put it in the trunk and slam it closed. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys. I check myself in the mirror, ruffling my hair up a little bit before I leave. I hop in the car and drive to Gaege. His car is in the driveway, with a lot of the doors open. I look in it and it has a ton of shit in it. I walk up to his house and knock on the door. It opens a little bit.

"Coming!" He shouts. I look in and see him rushing around.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"Oh thank God you're here Eddie. I need your help," he says.

"With what?" I ask.

"I still have so much more to pack," he says. "Well, get it into the car."

"There's already a lot in there, I thought we were staying the weekend," I say.

"Plans have changed. She's invited us to stay for an entire week and there is no arguing with that woman," he says.

"I only have one suitcase. What the hell am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"You'll just have to wash your clothes. And I have some sweatshirts you can borrow. Come on now help me pack," he says.

"Still, that's a lot of clothes for a week," I say.

"I need back up clothes. Just in case she doesn't like what I wear," he says. I've never seen Gaege so stressed out before.

"She doesn't like your clothes?" I ask.

"It's hard to be myself around her. It doesn't help that I'm gay. I mean at least she's accepted that," he says. 

"I guess," I say. "How much more needs to go in the car?" 

"Just these 2 things," he says. I bring them out to the car and find some room. I push my own suitcase in as well. I go back inside the house.

"How are we going to do this?" I ask.

"We'll discuss in the car. We'll have more than enough time anyway. It takes 2 hours to get there anyway," Gaege says.

"Ok," I say. We get situated in the car. It's a bit cramped, but 2 hours and I'll be out.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!

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