Keeping A Boyfriend

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Gaege Pov

I'm sure Eddie can tell how messed up my family is by now. His expression shows his shock as we sit down to eat. 

"So, what do you do for a living Eddie?" My mom asks Eddie.

"Oh, I'm a-" Eddie looks over at me, looking for authorization. I give him a look. I shake my head telling him to not tell them about being a YouTuber. They hate my job and would hate it even more if I were dating someone that did the same thing. "Uh." His head looks like it's spinning to think of something. "I work at Target."

"Target?" My dad says.

"Uh, yeah," Eddie says..

"Pays well?" My dad asks.

"Yeah," Eddie says. I know that Eddie did work that Target at one point. He brought it up in the How The Boys Met video. And I know how much he hated that job. It did not pay well at all and he had very rude managers he had to deal with while working there. 

"That's good," my mom says. Eddie cuts apart the food on his plate. I poke at my food a little bit, not really wanting to eat anything. My parents are always commenting about how I should eat better and watch my weight a little bit. So when I'm home with them, I barely eat anything. Eddie eats his food quickly, trying to look away from my parents burning gaze. Once he's done, he sits there, looking at his plate. "Do you want seconds?" My mom asks. "We have more than enough food." Eddie looks over at me. I still have almost the same amount of food on my plate.

"Uh, sure," He says. He takes some more vegetables and another piece of chicken. Eddie sips some of his water and looks like he wants something with alcohol in it to deal with the bull shit he's going through. He's a true friend if he can deal with this much longer.

"Where did you grow up Eddie?" My dad asks. F*ck.

"I grew up in Texas," Eddie says. Not all of a lie. He did move their when he was 9.

"A southern boy. You don't have much of an accent," Tom says. I see him bite the inside of his cheek. He's really holding it back.

"I never really contracted one," he says.

"How much money do you make?" My mom asks. Eddie's eyes become a bit bigger but then go back to normal.

"4,000 monthly," He says. I'm sure he thinks my parents are absolutely crazy. This is why I can't keep a boyfriend. Because they scare all of them away. And they blame me for not being able to keep one. It's not my fault they run when they meet you.

"So, you're gay too?" My dad asks. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, hoping Eddie doesn't say anything crazy.

"No, actually I'm bi," Eddie says.

"Bi?" My mom says.

"Bisexual. I'm attracted to both genders," Eddie says. I sit there quietly, still picking at my food.

"I'm full. And tired. I think I'm just going to head to bed," I abruptly stand up.

"I think I'll go with him," I hear Eddie say. He follows me to our room after he puts his dish away.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!

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