Chapter 25 - Home Alone

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      Little did the boys know, three whole hours had passed since the two adults had left. Babysitters usually showed up within 15 minutes of the appointed time, with the exception of the day of the jail break. They sat near the door waiting for someone to come, but nothing.

      "Shouto," Izuku spoke softly, "Do you think they forgot about us?"

      "I dunno..." Shouto responded sadly.

      The two were starting to get really hungry. The bunny decided to go back to the fridge and get some more snacks.

      "How many are left?" The cat asked when the greenette handed him a bag.

      "Two more each."

      Izuku began nibbling on a baby carrot as Shouto took his cracker sandwich apart to eat the contents individually. It was a way to eat slower so they could buy more time for the babysitter. Of course, with fruits, vegetables, and cracker sandwiches, it didn't last long no matter how slowly they ate.

      "Should we call someone?" The rabbit asked as he put the bag in the trash can.

      "Do you know how to use a phone?" The cat responded as he did the same.

      "Kacchan showed me how to call 110 and 119. But he said it's only for emergencies."

      "Does this count as an emergency?" Shouto was curious. He genuinely didn't know if their situation counted or not.

      The bunny let out a sigh. "I dunno..."

      A knock then sounded at the door.

      "Oh, finally!" Shouto said as he started to get up, but Izuku grabbed his arm. "Izu-"

      The bunny just slowly shook his head. He then whispered "I don't recognize the car or the shoes."

      The cat opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the sound of knocking. He looked back at his brother who held fear in his eyes.


      "What do you mean 'she's in the hospital'?!" Bakugou yelled while on the phone. A doctor had called him to inform him that Ochako Uraraka was admitted and he was listed as an emergency contact. Most likely that was due to the fact that he was the number two hero and they knew each other. Who better to have in the case of an emergency? Of course, Tsu was first, and her parents were second, but they haven't received the messages yet.

      "It's just as we said, sir-" The doctor on the other end tried to explain, but was interrupted once again by the angry blond.

      "She can't be! She was supposed to be watching my-!" He stopped himself from talking too much. Doctor or not, the idea that the number two hero has a very big weakness that could easily be taken advantage of wasn't something he was comfortable throwing out into the public. Sure, it would come out sooner or later, but he hoped it would be when the kids were old enough to be able to fight back. He let out a small grunt. "Never mind... Can you tell me what's wrong with her?"

      "Umm... Sure..." The doctor was confused by the sudden change of attitude, but proceeded anyway. "She was found at a gas station on the ground crying. She's showing symptoms similar to the patient that worked at the T.V. Station."

      "What? You think it's..."

      "We believe it was caused by the same quirk. Furthermore, there was a note left near her that we thought we should know about."

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