Chapter 27 - It's A Trap

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      The policeman informed Bakugou about a bomb that was about to go off at the water department. At first, he thought it was strange someone would bomb a place like that, but then it became clear. The water department takes in water from an ocean or a lake, depending on the area, and cleans it up to put into the tap. Turns out the bomb was actually filled with a liquidized form of the villain's gas quirk that was set to go off in the tanks where the clean water was being released into the city's pipes. If that thing goes off, the whole city, as well as surrounding cities, would end up ingesting that nightmarish quirk and having their worst fears play right before their very eyes. The villain also informed the policeman that the bomb will go off in just 5 minutes. No matter what, Bakugou had to get there NOW!

      There was no time to call for backup and explain the situation. He used his quirk to go as fast as he could, using so much of his power that his muscles began to falter, but he kept going regardless of the pain.

      "Oi, what's going-" A worker at the water department began to say when he heard the very loud explosions coming closer and closer, but was interrupted by a blur going straight past him into the building.

      Bakugou slowed himself down enough to be able to read the signs and found the tank area. Ignoring the workers, he used his explosions to fly right past them and looked for anything that could resemble a bomb.

      "What do you think you're doing in here?!" A worker yelled.

      The pro hero refused to answer, and a millisecond later, he heard a beeping sound falling from the rafters. Quickly, he made enough powerful explosions to push himself forward and grabbed a white capsule with a countdown timer showing 00:00. He landed on the other side of the tank, completely out of breath. The capsule had a seam around the middle that would dissolve in water, therefore releasing its contents in the tank, Bakugou made sure to keep his sweaty hands off that part.

      The workers ran towards him, bombarding him with multiple questions. He answered as little as possible and made them back up as he called the policeman to tell him he got the bomb.

      "Thank goodness..." The policeman answered on the other end. "Are you alright?"

      "Yeah... I'm fine..." Katsuki said between huffs. "Has he said anything about Lemillion yet?"

      "Not yet, he's still being smug about the bomb. I'll let you know if he says anything."

      "Fine..." The pro hero hung up and pushed past the workers to bring the bomb back to the police station for investigation.


      "I'm home," Katsuki announced when coming into his mother's house. Despite not living there, he felt he needed to put his kids at ease with his voice.

      "Shh, I finally got the kids asleep," Eijirou responded as he walked towards his partner. "Your mom is in the guest room with them and your dad's at work."

      "I see..." The angry blond took his jacket off and hung it up as well as place his briefcase holding his hero uniform near the slippers. "How are they?"

      "They've been better, they had quite a scare after all."

      Bakugou let out a sigh and let himself finally relax. At the moment, he felt on the verge of passing out just from pure exhaustion. Unfortunately, he knew his job wasn't over until Lemillion was found. Kirishima noticed how tired he was, however and helped guide him to the couch. There was only one bed in the guest room and the kids were currently occupying it, so the men had to sleep in the living room. But, the redhead opted to staying up, seeing as the couch was only big enough for one person and his partner needed it more than him.

      "Ei, it's fine if you,-" Katsuki began but was interrupted by his husband.

      "Get to sleep, k? You've got work in the morning. I'm taking the day off to help the kids, so I really don't need the sleep."

      The blond let out a small chuckle. "Now who's the mom?"

      Kirishima chuckled as well. "Good to see you have enough energy to make jokes. Just get some sleep."


      The next morning, Bakugou was awake early and left without anyone noticing. Kirishima, who had slept on the floor, was a little panicked when he awoke only to find his husband missing, but relaxed a bit when he received a text that he was at the office, his hero costume and shoes were missing as well, further proving the story. But, the relief was short lived as the redhead remembered how exhausted the other man was as well as how tough yesterday was on his mental health. It's ok to take a break every once in a while, they're only human after all.

      He sighed and decided to leave it. Once Bakugou had made up his mind, it was almost impossible to get him out of it, and the redhead was tired from yesterday as well. He just decided to make breakfast.

      "Oi, you don't have to do that," A woman said from the doorway.

      Kirishima looked at his mother-in-law with a smile. "It's the least I can do considering what you've done for us."

      Mitsuki rolled her eyes. "We're family, that's what we do. We don't owe each other for favors. If we did, Katsuki would be ear-deep in debt by now."

      Eijirou let out a chuckle.

      "Speaking of which, where is he? I thought I saw him on the couch last night when I went to bed."

      "He left early. You know how he is, and Lemillion's still missing so..."

      "Tch, that brat..."

      She let out an agitated sigh and went to help the redhead make pancakes. A few moments later, the children were up.

      "Hey, kids," Eijirou said with a smile. "Breakfast is almost ready, why don't you two get washed up."

      "Where's Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

      "... He left early. But don't worry, he'll be back."

      The kids looked at eachother and went to go wash up.

      "Poor things..." Mitsuki said as she watched them leave. "I can't imagine the fear they endured."

      "Yeah... I wish we knew sooner that they were all alone. Especially considering a villain showed up."

      "Hey, at least they were smart enough to hide. Little Shouto told me what they did and it was pretty clever. Taking advantage of the environment and their own untidiness. I doubt Katsuki would've come up with something like that."

      "You don't give him enough credit, you know..."

      "I'm only joking," Mituski nudged the redhead with her elbow. "Katsuki's smart, I'll admit that. But let's face it, if a villain showed up when he was a kid, he'd fight the guy."

      "Heh, true."


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I tried my best to write an action scene, but as you can probably tell, I'm not very good. ^^; I just hope it wasn't too cringy.

Anyway, this story's nearing it's end. I never thought it would go on for this long, to be honest, but now that the end is almost here, it's kind of sad. I hope you all enjoyed this crazy AU. ^^

Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. ^^

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