Chapter 4 - Babysitting

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      Izuku sat in the guest room and played with the toys Bakugou gave him. His previous owner never did anything like this for him, the small rabbit was happy. He wondered how long he could stay with the pro hero. He knew that the man wanted to give him up, but at least wanted to enjoy this place while he could.

      Suddenly, he picked his ears up as he heard the sound of a car pull into the driveway. The car didn't sound the same as the shark tooth man that Bakugou had left with. He could hear footsteps coming up to the front door. It sounded like lady shoes. Quickly, he ran to Katsuki's room, then crawled underneath his bed, hoping whoever it was would go away. The person put a key into the door. Did Bakugou trust this person, or did they steal it? Izuku shivered in fear as the sound of the door unlocking and opening could be heard. The person walked in, closed the door, relocked it and took off their shoes. He was now stuck with this person. Fear filled up the small child to the point that he couldn't even scream. Under stress, he transformed back into his rabbit form, which, in turn, dropped his clothes to the ground.

      "Oi! Anyone here?!" A woman's voice came from the living room. Izuku didn't make a sound. "I don't mean to scare you, but Katsuki just called me and said that there was a child here!"

      The woman not only knew the man by his first name, but he had also called her? Was she lying? She had a key, so she might be telling the truth. Izuku decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and came out of hiding. He transformed back into a human, put his clothes back on, and slowly opened the door, peaking his head out, only to see the woman stare right at him.

      "So, there you were," The woman smiled. "There's no need to be afraid, I won't hurt you."

      The woman looked kind of like Katsuki, only female. Maybe she was his older sister? Izuku slowly crept out from the door and approached the strange woman.

      "Katsuki told me your name's Izuku. Nice to meet you, I'm his mother." The woman kneeled down to pick him up and walked to the couch to sit. The rabbit was confused. This woman looked pretty young, there was no way she was old enough to be an adult's mother. "So, tell me about yourself. Katsuki said he's only had you for a little bit, but that's about it. What do you like to do for fun?... Do you have a favorite color?... Favorite food?... Come on, don't let me talk to myself."

      The woman seemed a bit more friendly than her son. Izuku thought it might be ok to talk to her. "Umm..." He finally managed to make a sound. "I like playing. Green. And carrots."

      "Guess I should've seen that last one coming," The woman laughed. Izuku couldn't help but let a smile on his face. "But hey, I finally got ya to talk, so that's a win in my book."

      She tickled his sides a bit, getting him to let out some childish giggles. It only lasted a few seconds though. She looked at him with a small smile.

      "Man, how long has it been since Katsuki used to sit on my lap like this?" She said in a sort of reminiscent way that Izuku didn't understand. "I miss those days. If he doesn't choose to keep you around, I'll just have to take ya in myself."

      She let out another laugh. Both the redhead and Bakugou's mother want the pro to keep him. It brought a smile to his face, but he knew deep down that he was just going to give him away at some point.

      The woman began bouncing Izuku on her knee while holding him with one arm. The other grabbed the remote, turned on the T.V. and changed it to a kid friendly channel. Some show about a sponge working at a fast food restaurant began to play.

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