Chapter 1 - How it began

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      Katsuki Bakugou was a pro hero with an amazing quirk. He graduated from UA a few years ago with flying colors, and even was taught under the greatest hero of all time, All Might, himself. When attending school, he had a lot of issues, like anger and constantly exploding, but he started to mellow out as the school year went by, and now he was on his way to the top. People already had high hopes of him becoming the new number one hero, it seemed like it was only a matter of time.

      He began his walk home from a long and boring work day when rain began to start pouring down. Fortunately, he had an umbrella with him. Even so, he wanted to hurry home and dry off as soon as he can. He took a shortcut through an alleyway, and happened to see a patch of green with eyes staring at him from inside an open box.

      A small green bunny looked up at him with sad eyes, pleading for a place to stay. The pro hero looked around and saw no one. He let out a small sigh before picking up the little rabbit and taking the little guy home.


      "Geeze," Bakugou said as he was giving the little bunny a warm bath and saw how much dirt and grime came off him. "How long were you out there?!"

      The bunny didn't answer, instead just enjoyed his very first hot bath. The pro hero let out a sigh.

      "As soon as you're all cleaned up and fed, I'm taking you to the pet store."

      The rabbit looked up at him, seemingly upset by his words. Did it understand him? Bakugou ignored the look and tried to get information by looking at it. Judging by its size, it wasn't very old. Probably still a baby, which made it's abandonment seem even crueler. Also, by checking underneath, he determined that it was male.

      After the bath, he placed the bunny on a bunch of newspapers and placed a plate of carrots in front of him.

      "You better enjoy those, they were supposed to be in the stew I was gonna make," Bakugou mentioned. He made a mental note to go shopping tomorrow.

      The rabbit didn't eat much. Most likely due to the fact that he wasn't used to eating a big meal. Katsuki started to feel really sorry for the little guy. How long has he been on his own?

      "Ok," The pro let out a sigh. "You can stay for the night. But then I'm taking you to the pet store."

      The bunny looked at him with that sad look. Bakugou shook his head and picked up the rabbit, and placed him in the guest room bed. After waiting 'til he fell asleep, he went back to the kitchen and took the leftover carrots and wrapped them up to put away. The bunny could eat it for breakfast.

      As soon as he finished, a "poof" sound could be heard from the guest room. The H*ll was that? Did someone break in? Or... "poof" in, to be exact? In a world where almost everyone has a super power, it wasn't entirely impossible. Katsuki silently got close to the room, getting his quirk ready just in case, then immediately burst in. No one was in the room, except for a small green haired boy sleeping in the bed where the bunny was.


My second story now has it's first chapter out. ^^ Sorry it's so short, this was mostly to test how well this book will go. Like dipping your toes into the water before cannon-balling in, so to speak. XD

I hope you guys enjoy this new book. ^^

BTW, the cover right now is temporary, but I really like it, and it relates to the story, so... I don't know, she I still make my own or just keep it...? Let me know what you think. :/ (Might delete this paragraph later if I come up with a decision. ^^; )

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