Chapter 15 - Laughter is the best medicine

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      Bakugou sat down on the couch after dropping off Izuku at school and was now having some sort of stare down with Shouto. Honestly, he wanted to drop the cat off with the bunny, the last thing he wanted was to spend his day off being judged by a child, but he wasn't registered at school yet, so tough luck. Because of all the drama going on with Endeavor, Katsuki didn't even think about what he was going to do with Shouto after all was said and done. The cat obviously didn't want anything to do with him, so maybe it would be best to drop him off somewhere else. But then the same problem still stands. He didn't trust any human. He could easily just be passed off from person to person, and that could leave some serious scars as he grows.

      The adult shook the thoughts from his head as he looked at the kitty. He couldn't possibly keep him. He's already the single parent of one child, how could he even think to raise two on his own AND juggle trying to be the next number one hero?

      As if on cue, a knock at the door snapped both of their attention away from each other. Bakugou grunted and got up to look through the eyehole. He then quickly unlocked the door and opened it up.

      "Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima said with a smile as he entered the house and the blond closed and locked the door behind him.

      "Can you stop calling me 'bro'? It's disgusting considering what we've done," Katsuki told him.

      "And what have you done?" Shouto asked, bringing both adults' attention to him.

      "So, this is Shouto, right? The little guy you told us about?" Kirishima questioned as he took his coat off and kneeled to the child. "Hi! Nice to meet you."

      "Where's Izuku?" The child's eyes looked angry.

      "We've been over this, he's at school," Bakugou answered annoyed.

      "So, it looks like it's just us!" Eijirou said as he picked up the child and lifted him high into the air. Shouto let out a loud surprised "Nya", and started hissing with fear.

      "Careful, we only filed his nails down, they'll grow back."

      "Don't worry, if that happens, I'll just harden." The redhead laughed as the cat started to calm down. He then brought him down for a hug and placed an arm under him to hold him in place. He then began to sway a little bit to help calm him down even more. Shouto seemed to like it. "Aww.... He looks so peaceful when he's not angry."

      The cat shot him a look, making Kiri laugh. Bakugou couldn't help but smile.

      "You're way better with him than me," Katsuki admitted. "Wish I could calm him down like that."

      "The great Katsuki Bakugou admitting that someone's better than him. I'm shook!" The redhead let out another laugh as the blond rolled his eyes. "All joking aside, this is why I said that you needed me here."

      "You said that back when it was just Izuku. So, it had nothing to do with half-and-half over there."

      Shouto scowled at him, but remained silent.

      "Meh, pot-a-to, pot-ah-to. Anyway, since I'm here, need me to do anything? Get another car seat, help you fill out papers, clean the couch?"

      "The couch's already clean, and I told Izuku never to eat snacks on it again, or he'll be cleaning it himself. So, unless you've got some info on... you-know-who, there's not much you can do at the moment."

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