Chapter 5 - Babysitter number two

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      Izuku woke up to Bakugou's alarm going off in the other room. He let out a small yawn before getting up and trying to get dressed on his own, hoping to impress the adult with his independence. Although, he really couldn't tell what was ok to wear and what wasn't. He did take notice that some clothes were made specifically for the night, but which ones were those again? He also figured out that tags go in the back, that was slightly more helpful. He reached up and grabbed a shirt and searched for the tag, then put it on. It was just a light green hoodie. He then grabbed a pair of shorts and searched for the tag before putting them on as well. He looked down at himself with a smile, and imagined how proud Katsuki was going to be when he saw that he got dressed all by himself. Last but not least were socks. He found out that the part where it bends shows where his foot goes, but figuring out which goes on which foot was really difficult. They looked exactly the same. After staring at them for a bit, he just shrugged and did the best he could. He took another look down at himself before going to the door and opening it, instantly being met with the smell of breakfast cooking. He wondered what Bakugou was making today, he's a great cook, so whatever it was was going to taste amazing regardless.

      Bakugou turned around when he heard the guest door creek open and saw the little bunny's head peak out. He couldn't help the smile that came onto his face at the sight.

      "You gonna come out, or are ya going to stay in the doorway all day?" Katsuki asked with a playful tone.

      The rabbit boy smiled and came out, earning a surprised look from the adult.

      "You got dressed by yourself?"

      "Yep!" Izuku smiled brightly as he saw Bakugou's proud look.

      "That's amazing! Now, go wash up, alright?"

      The bunny nodded and hopped to the bathroom. Eventually, the two sat down to enjoy breakfast, which was just eggs and toast.

      "Today I called someone else to watch you while I'm gone," Katsuki told the little guy so he wouldn't be scared if another random person showed up. He knew everything would be alright with his mother seeing as they looked sort of alike, but a complete stranger would be too much for the little guy without warning. "She said she was off today, so it'd be alright. If a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and pink round cheeks shows up at the door, then it's ok to let her in. Her name is Ochaco Uraraka, and she's nothing to fear, got it?"

      Izuku nodded. "Is she your sister?"

      "No, she's a friend."

      "Oh, ok..." The bunny paused for a bit. "What are we?"


      "You said Occhan is your friend, and Grandma said she's your mama-"

      Bakugou spit out his drink and began a coughing fit. "The fu-... What did you just call my mom?!"

      Izuku was startled and worried he did something wrong. "Y-you're mama...?"

      "No, before that."


      Bakugou placed a hand to his head as if he just got a headache. "And she told you to call her that?"

      The rabbit nodded.

      "What is that old hag thinking?" Katsuki mumbled under his breath, but of course the bunny could hear him.

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