Chapter 17 - Emergency

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     "Wait, what?!" Bakugou asked with wide eyes and red across his face as he looked at the redhead sitting next to him. Kirishima just put on the biggest toothy grin the blond had ever seen. "Y-you can't!"

      "Shh..." Eijirou put his finger over Katsuki's mouth to quiet him. "Keep it down. You don't want to wake the boys do you?"

      Bakugou let out a low growl, but tried to keep his voice low. The blush still remaining on his face. "You can't move in. They boys took over the guest room. Where are you gonna sleep?"

      "Your room."

      "Then where am I gonna sleep?"

      "Still your room. It's not like we haven't slept together before."

      "B-but... Look I'm already taking care of two brats, I don't need another one on my hands."

      "I take offense to that." Kirishima let out a small laugh, showing that he was joking, but still making sure to keep it low as to not wake up the kids. "But, seriously, do you really think you can take care of two kids all by yourself?"

      "I don't even know if I'm gonna keep one of them yet."

      "Well, stop debating and just keep him. You know he needs you."

      "You're impossible." Bakugou grunted before leaving the living room to go to his bedroom, to which Kirishima followed.


      Ring, Ring

      Bakugou's phone went off very early in the morning. About 3:07, to be exact. The blond let out an annoyed groan as he flipped over to pick it up.

      "What's wrong, Bakugou?" Kirishima asked with a yawn.

      "Hello?" Katsuki answered the phone, ignoring Eijirou's question. "What?!"

      "What's going on?" The redhead was a bit more worried this time.

      "I'm on my way! Kirishima's with me, so don't waste time calling him!" He immediately hung up the phone and jumped out of bed to run to the closet. "Get dressed, there's an emergency!"


      "Shouto... Shouto..." Izuku said quietly as he was shaking the kitty awake.

      "Hmm...? What...?" Shouto responded groggily as he rubbed his eye with his little hand.

      "Something's wrong..."


      "Kacchan's alarm didn't go off."

      The small cat limbed out of the bed, made his way to the window and moved part of the curtain to the side to have a look. "Weird, it's day. You sure you didn't sleep through it?"

      "I'm sure. I never sleep through it."

      Shouto slunk back to the bed and climbed in. "Don't worry about it, it's probably his day off or something."

      "But, yesterday was his day off."

      "People can have more than one day off, you know."

      "Not Kacchan."

      The cat grunted and the two got off the bed and opened the door to peek out. The house was dark and quiet.

      "I-I'm scared, Shouto..." Izuku said as he held the cat's arm.

      "Come on..." Shouto responded as the two made their way out of the room and into the kitchen. There was a note on the table next to two plates of scrambled eggs. "I think these are for us."

      "What's the note say?"

      "Umm..." The kitty picked it up and the two looked it over. Luckily, the person who wrote it kept their reading level in mind and made it short and simple.

      The note read; "Shouto and Izuku, had to go early. Eat breakfast. Babysitter on their way. -Katsuki Bakugou."

      "What's this word?" Izuku asked, pointing to one of the words.

      "It says... 'br-a-k-fast'... Oh, breakfast," Shouto figured out.

      "And that one?"

      "'Ba-be-sit-er'... I think it's babysitter."

      "Oh... But who's the babysitter?"

      "It's gotta be someone you know, otherwise you won't let them in. Anyway, let's eat, I'm starving."

      The two immediately dropped what they were doing and focused on the scrambled eggs, which were practically cold by now. It was kind of scary, being alone like this. Izuku had been left alone plenty of times when Bakugou left for work, but never did he leave before he woke up. At least Shouto was with him. He felt comfort knowing that he wasn't truly alone.


      About on hour or so passed after the two finished breakfast, but no babysitter. Strange, usually they'd be here by now.

      "What if something happened to them?" Izuku questioned completely worried and holding onto Shouto's arm. "I have school today, what if no one picks me up."

      "I'm sure it'll be fine," Shouto reassured.

      RING, RING

      The home phone rang. The tykes just looked at it, wondering if they should pick up or not. It just kept ringing, and ringing. The cat took the initiative and picked it up.

      "H-Hello?" He asked.

      "Wait, who is this? Where's Bakugou?" Kyoka Kaminari's voice came through.

      "He left this morning. I'm Shouto."

      "That's just perfect..." The woman seemed annoyed. "So, you're Shouto, the one Bakugou talked about. Anyway, Denki left early too and he won't pick up his cell. Are you two alone?"

      "Yes... And Izuku has school, and the babysitter hasn't come yet, and-"

      "Ok, I get it, I'll be right over." She then hung up the phone.

      "I heard everything," Izuku said as Shouto put the phone down. "So, Uncle Denchan is gone too?"

      "Seems like it," The cat responded. "At least someone is coming over soon."

      "That's good, I was really scared."

      "I wonder who are babysitter was gonna be. And why didn't they come?"

      "Maybe they left early too?"

      "I dunno... That seems kinda bad if they left after being called to watch us..."


Sorry this one was kinda short. ^^; I'll try harder next time. I've been wanting to throw Kyoka in here for awhile since I teased her a bunch of chapters ago. I think it was before Shouto was in the story.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter. ^^

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