Chapter 14 - A run-in with...

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      It was getting pretty late, and Bakugou was anxious to get back to the office so he could go home. But, he needed to catch a villain who had escaped from jail first. Of course, as soon as he saw who it was, he didn't hesitate to go at this guy at full speed. A certain villain with a sludge quirk that Bakugou had a run in with in his youth.

      "OI! B*ST*RD! GET BACK HERE!" Katsuki yelled as soon as he saw that disgusting sludge.

      "Oh Cr*p! Another her-! Wait, aren't you that kid from before?" The villain responded but slowed down when he saw the hero. Big mistake.

      Bakugou, knowing full well that an explosion wasn't going to cut it, clenched his fist and punched with a great power to make the villain fall apart, just like how All Might saved him way back when. Other pro heroes that were there all worked together to gather the scattered sludge into trash bags and handed them over to the police.

      "Hey, wasn't that the same move that All Might used?" Kamui Woods asked as Katsuki started to walk away. "In fact, aren't you that same kid that was attacked by this villain?"

      "All Might just taught me a few of his moves before retirement," Bakugou answered, completely ignoring the second question. Before the other heroes could ask more, he left.

      Truth be told, he actually had All Might's power now. It happened after the sludge villain incident. Bakugou had run after All Might because he was a major fan of his, and the man happened to transform in front of him. Despite his bad attitude, All Might somehow saw something in him that might make him into a great hero one day. The two ended up spending the next 10 months with each other, to which they got to know one another better. All Might had told him that if he cleaned up his act, he would be worthy of One-For-All, a quirk that was passed down from generation to generation. Of course, at the time, the blond didn't think there was anything wrong with the way he acted. Now, looking back, all he could do was either regret or cringe at his own actions. How did he ever get chosen by All Might with an attitude like that?

      After All Might's retirement, Endeavor became the number one hero for a short period of time, before a person calling himself Lemillion took his spot. Katsuki knew the new number one was more deserving of the rank than Mr. Number-Two. Speaking of which...

      As Bakugou started walking back to the office, he ran into a certain hero.

      "Oh, you must be Ground Zero," Endeavor said as if the two haven't met before. Which they had. Was he not even important enough to remember?

      "You met me at the Sports Festival," The blond grumbled.

      "I see. That power, it's similar to-"

      "Yeah, yeah, I've heard." Katsuki began to walk away and heard the hero "Hmph" at him. That guy definitely doesn't have the same aura as All Might or even Lemillion. While those two create comfort for the citizens and their allies and strike fear into their foes, this guy just demands fear from both sides. Something that Bakugou, himself, tried to do in his youth, but realized that wasn't the right way.

      "Oh, now I remember you," Endeavor finally said, stopping the newer hero in his tracks. "You were that brat who had to be chained up."

      He just struck a nerve. The blond knew if he didn't walk away now, he'll just do something he'll regret later. All those years of working hard to change himself, thrown away just like that. He tsked and walked off, hoping to avoid any situation he might put himself in.

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