Chapter 15 - Ideas

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Lucy POV

The whole ride back, Cindy kept nudging into me, and sending me messages about me and Jack being something more than we already are.

As we arrive at the property, Ruth is outside waiting for us.

"Wow Jack, is this all yours?" Cindy asks as she looks out the window

" No, it's for me and my brothers."

"It's beautiful here, it reminds me of home." Cindy's place is kinda like this place though smaller given the people that live here

Getting out of the car I introduce Ruth and Cindy, but leave them to converse as I help Jack with Cindy's luggage, though he refuses given there are people here who can help us.

"We were thinking it would be best for you guys to live in our home for the time being, the other place we had for you is not yet done"

"I don't mind Jack, and i don't think Cindy will have a problem with that given the resemblance of her place and your home" I say with a smile

" Thank you again, let me just help Cindy get settled" I leave to meet Cindy and Ruth

"Hey, you guys! Room for one more?"

"Of course Lucy, I was wondering Cindy, if you would like me to show you to your room so that you can freshen up ?"

"I would love that Ruth, and do you mind filling me in on Lucy and Jack? I feel like my friend has been hiding some details from" Cindy says playfully

"I've not, we are just friend"

"To be honest Cindy i don't think it's my place to say much about that" Ruth answers honestly

The afternoon ends with Cindy teasing me about Jack. I mean i'm attracted to him and all, but i don't think I would like to encourage such thoughts. Cause last i checked i feel the same way for Jayen and Jonathan. But with Jonathan it's a bit more distant, given his behaviour towards me. And it would be just wrong for me to think about all three brothers... i mean I'm not crazy, am I ?


I and Cindy have been in her room for most of the day. She told me about this guy at work, who has been giving her a hard time.

"John just can't get the hint, he keeps bringing all kinds of gifts for me and i'm just not feeling him like that. I even told him one time that i'm not interested, but he insists on trying his luck"

"Have you tried giving him a chance, he might just be better than you think"

"No, Lucy I can't, I have tried to let him in but all to no avail."

*knock knock*

"Can i come in ?" from the voice i know its Ruth

"Yes you can." Cindy says

" i was wondering you guys would like to help out with dinner"

"Yeah, I mean we aren't doing anything at the moment." I say as a look at Cindy, making sure she's okay with it.

"I can help out with the basics, you know i can't cook Lucy" Cindy says, making me remember this one time she wanted to cook and all that was left of the ingredients was black lumps of nothing.

"No worries, you could cut the vegetables, we are making lasagne" Ruth says as she leads the way downstairs.

As we are preparing the lasagne, Jonathan and Jaylen walk in.

"Hey chicas, what's up?" Jaylen says ever so jovial

"We are making lasagne" Ruth says

"Thanks ruth, you must be Cindy, I'm Jaylen and this is Jonathan" Jaylen says, greeting Cindy

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