Chapter 7 Beautiful stranger

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Jaylens POV

On our way back to her place from the store, God I feel good, how I've longed to walk with my mate. Many girls have tried to get my attention and I actually noticed this, though I never gave it much thought nor did I encourage it cause all I needed was what belonged to me.

Her small frame beside me makes me see what I was truly longing for, finding your own person makes you feel like you just came out of a nightmare that lasted for centuries....

"Thanks a lot Jaylen, I'm happy you were willing to give me a ride home" she says with a bright but reserved smile

"It's my pleasure Lu, is it okay that I call you Lu" I ask anticipating why the hell I called her that

" I don't mind" she blushes, it's hard to see but body language gives it away.

Getting her stuff in the house, I decide to get going, I need to prepare for her coming over to the pack. Okay I'm not crazy, I will give her time to accept my offer but I can't be idol about her moving in. The apartment I'm thinking of needs to be fixed and now that I know what she likes after looking around. I kinda have an advantage in how I'm going to decorate it.

She walks with me from her door to my bike " Thanks for everything Jaylen, it's been amazing and you are amazing" she says, looking really grateful, though she doesn't need to be, she's my mate.

"No thank you for even sparing me your time" I says as I start to walk to my bike.

'You mean to tell me we are going all the way home without a hug, kiss or anything dirty ' Xavier says, making me stop on my tracks, I turn around looking at her, while she looks at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"Lucy , can I ask you for something ?" I says

"Yes Jaylen"

" Can I have a hug?" I ask, losing all the air in my lungs with anticipation of what she will answer me

She nods her head and I go straight for the kill. I lean in and hug her passionately with so much longing. She hugs me back of course, just not sure if it's just because of the bond or her own will to hug me back.

After a while we pull away from each other ... I head to my bike and start it up and give her a last glance before speeding off.

The ride back is amazing, the atmosphere feels fresher than it was this morning. For the first time in forever, I can notice the trees around, all I'm saying is everything seems clearer.

Jonathan POV

'She's everything really, did you see her smile' Xavier tells Jaylen, we have this crazy bond that if one forgets to cut us out of their conversation. We can hear the type of conversations they're having with their wolf.

I decide to confuse them 'who's everything?' I ask.

'Wtf Jonathan can't you stay in your lane' Jaylen says in my head practically shouting as he walks in with a raised up brow.

'Then why leave it on ?' I ask then I lift up my on brow as we have a mind argument.

'Mind you I found her, my mate' Jaylen says, the moment he finishes that sentence I feel a sharp pain hit my heart.

'Our mate idiot' Xavier points out seeming really irritated as the connection cuts, signaling that Jaylen has cut me and Sean off.

"Who is she Jaylen" he's startled out of his argument with Xavier

"A new nurse at the hospital, she just moved here" he says taking off his jacket and shoes

"What's her name if I may ask" I know Jack said something about his mate being a new girl in town, and if I'm not wrong her name was Auro something

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