Chapter 20 - Details

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Lucy POV

I rush to Cindy's side shouting her name, everything is happening so fast. Jack's holding back the stranger from earlier while I look at Jaylen as he tries to help Cindy conscious. Jaylen then decides to take her to her room with me and Ruth on his tail. Cindy has gone through this before, it was really scary, my friend was lifeless for hours and I couldn't do anything about it. And here we are again, with a situation I could have avoided. Jaylen finishes checking out her vitals and clears her from any danger signs which puts me at ease.

" I think it's best we leave her for a while so that she can rest." Jaylen says as he packs up his stuff

"I think will stay here for a while " I tell him and Ruth, so that they can leave as I stay with my best friend.

"okay love but don't stay here long, I will be downstairs when you are done" Ruth says leaving us as Jaylen gives me a nod.

I can't think straight so I decide to grab a chair and sit beside Cindy's bed. Where I lay my head hoping all goes well. If anything happens to her I don't know if I will ever forgive myself. Cindy is that one person I for one can't live without. The bond we have is just too strong for me to manage a life without her.

As I keep thinking about my friend I suddenly feel lightheaded and fall asleep.

I wake up in a forest surrounded by many green trees, with the sun piercing through the leaves. It's so beautiful here, I get this feeling like I've been here before which is weird but I decide to enjoy the feeling rather than question it. There is a woman wearing a white dress with red hair picking what seems to be wood. I suddenly feel a pull that brings me closer to her. Now I'm just a fair distance away from her. Seeing her face I recognize the woman from the last time I was in a place like this.

"Child it's so good to see you" she says with a smile. I love and hate the atmosphere here. It's like everything is real but still just a mere dream.

"It's nice to see you too" I reply as she picks some berries from a bush.

"I see the boys have finally told you what they really are. Given the books you have read, I take it that it won't be hard to understand." She says, still picking her berries.

"What do you mean?"

"It's pretty obvious Lucy, the boys are werewolves and you were specifically chosen to be their mate." She says now looking at me with a calm smile.

"What do you mean, aren't I just Jonathan's mate??"

"No my dear, these boys are triplets that have shared everything since birth and so shall they share a mate. Least you deny them and that will have consequences." Her smile fades.

"What kind of consequences?" I ask curiously.

"Death my dear" she answers very sympathetic to my question

"Why Death?? I mean they could just get a second chance mate like in the books I've read" I answer with panic in my voice despite this being a mere dream. I don't want them to die. They mean so much to me.

"My dear you should understand that you were chosen for them since birth, but initially you hold all the cards to their life. There is no other girl that can manage three Alphas, but you my dear were born with strength, knowledge and willpower to succeed"

"That's not fair... I can't have so much power, this is a burden I just can't accept!" I say, feeling an aching pain in my heart. I care for them but having all three of them as my mates will be suicidal and not forgetting they are Alphas.

"Life's not fair my dear, but to make it easier for us, we all have a purpose. What is life without a purpose? It's like a road with no destination."

"That's bullshit, these guys are Alphas and don't need me to be meddling in their business and not forgetting they are triplets. What about jealousy??? How will I deal with that!? It's not easy having one lover but three???? Three is just too much" I ask with panic flowing over my body.

"Like I said my dear, you were born for this and I know for a fact those three pups of mine will not be easy but it will be worth it. But like I told you earlier everything is in your hands now. I can't and I won't decide for you because this decision is yours only to make." She says as the scenery and her fade away. Feeling helpless I try to run to her but fail to catch up.

I wake up hysterically and find myself on my bed, breathing heavily. I find the boys all in their own position. Jaylen is seated beside my bed, as Jack is standing by the window, while Jonathan is by the door.

Jack comes over to the bed beside Jaylen with a concerned expression on his face. While Jonathan just stands by the door.

Jaylen takes my hand "Lucy how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay thanks" I say before I realize I was supposed to be in Cindy's room. "Is Cindy awake?"

"Yes she is" Jack says, when I attempted to go to her, just then Jaylen holds me back.

Looking at me Jaylen says "she's in good hands, and to be honest the person she's with is in need of a good talk with her as we should (he says looking at Jonathan and Jack) talk too"

I look at them and remember what that woman said. I really can't decide on such a thing. They are brothers for fucks sakes. I'm not even sure if I could be with three guys that are not related either. 


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