Chp:-6 20th Birthday

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I know that there's no point in arguing with my parents but still I thought of giving it a try to make them understand that I don't want to go tomorrow to that party. After doing the sweeping and mopping of all the rooms, I walked towards the kitchen. My mom and dad were washing the dishes as the maid is on a leave today.

I said, "Amma Appa I have swept and mopped all the rooms and the balcony as well. I've even cleaned my study table and dressing table also."

Mom said, "good good." I stood there smiling like a fool.

Argh.....Anisha you suck at convincing people!

Dad said, "why are you standing there and may I know why are you giving that signature Kuraṅku smile of yours?" ( Kuraṅku means Monkey in Tamil)

Mom said, "there's no way we're leaving you alone Anisha you're coming no matter what. Subbu what's wrong with this girl, she has never thrown tantrums earlier when it comes to meeting the Ramakrishnans or going out with them and all then why now?"

Dad said, "I'm also surprised Meenu what happened Anisha ?"

If I stand here even for one minute I'm going to breakdown in front of my parents.

I somehow smiled and said, "it's nothing Amma Appa everything is fine." I ran to my room and shut the door and fell on my knees.

Tears came out of my eyes remembering the closeness that I noticed between Neel and Ramya in these 4 years and the day when Neel told that he's dating Ramya. Saddest days of my life. But the day which was the worst ever day was my 20th birthday.

I sigh remembering that day. We were in our 3rd Year of MBBS.


As usual I went to the college on my birthday. I reached half an hour early that day. I entered the class and sat there and continued to read a novel that I was reading. Naturally, I was excited to receive wishes and gifts and all from my loved ones especially Neel, every year he gives me something special.

His gifts are completely different always from what others give me. Usually he's the first one to wish me always before anyone wishes me. But this year he didn't. Maybe he wants to wish me face to face.

Gradually our classmates started to enter.I was wondering where my friends are whether they'll come to the college or not.

I checked the time only five minutes were remaining for the class to begin. There they were, they entered hastily and quickly settled down. Soon, the professor came and the lecture began. We couldn't greet each other as the lecture began.

After 3 hours finally it was recess time, everyone left the class. My friends were packing their stuff. I went towards the table where Neel, Shauri, Advay, Aniruddh, Saumya and Jiya were there.

Luckily that bitch and her best friend were absent today.
I mentally thanked God what a lovely gift I got today!

I said, "hey guys. How are y'all doing this fine morning?"

Neel said, "very well, thankyou for asking madam." He laughed. I smiled.

I said, "are y'all free today evening?" I was hoping that they wish me.

Neel said, "Ani we have to go to the academy to collect our tournament certificates right, and then in the evening we're attending the success party at Arjun's place right?"

Aniruddh said, "oh yeah, Advay you're also coming know?"

Advay cheekily smiled and said, "I have a date with Sammy tonight." Saumya blushed.