Chp:-21 Chipmunk

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We spent our second Goa day in attending the seminar, then resting for a while in the noon and then hitting the hotel gym. It's 5:30 pm right now. We were in the gym for an hour that is from 4pm to 5pm. We went to our rooms and changed our clothes. I wore some casual clothes. Today was a bit hectic as today's seminar session was quite long. We decided not to go anywhere today.

I was sitting on the couch and reading 'All The Devils Are Here by Louise Penny' a murder mystery novel while sipping my hot cocoa. My room's doorbell rang. I sighed irritatedly wondering who it must be. I should've put the do not disturb sign outside. I feel annoyed when someone interrupts me while reading an interesting novel.

I opened the door and asked, "WHAT?" I don't know that just came out of my mouth.

I stood there with my hands on my waist with a frown on my face and I closed my eyes due to the irritation.

Perks of being irritated!

"Woah why are we so grumpy this fine evening." I heard a familiar amused voice.

I looked up to see Neel.

I said, "Oh my God! You've taken a vow that you'll never ever let me read my novels peacefully or what? You've been like that since childhood ugh!"

He just laughed and said, "God, schooldays and college days are long gone but still a nerdy girl you are. We're in Goa. People have fun here, get drunk, dance, gamble, party and the list goes on and you're reading novels I mean wow, only a nerd can do that."

I said, "Are you done with your non sense? Then please leave and drown yourself either in those alcohols which make people totally drunk or drown in the Arabian Sea but don't drown into my head and make me beat you black and blue." I don't know why I was so annoyed.

It's not my time of the month then why so much anger? Probably because of the stranger's words which has compelled me to think about giving our friendship a second chance? Or it could be because I had a disturbed sleep last night and due to the hectic day I'm tired, yeah this could be the reason.

Neel said, "woah woah calm down Miss Grumpy. I just came to say that I'm going for swimming do you want to join me?"

I said, "no thanks."

Neel said, "oh come on don't be a spoiled sport!"

I said, "NO. I'll come down and relax in those sun lounger chairs and read."

Neel said, "you're no fun."

I said, "yeah thanks." I rolled my eyes.

Neel said, "fine, grab your novel and come." I grabbed my novel and wore my sneakers and walked out not before closing the door properly.

Neel laughed.

I asked, "Now what?"

Neel shook his head and said, "somethings never change."

He kneeled down and was about touch my legs which made me freak out and I jumped.

I yelled, "what the hell are you doing?"

Neel said, "relax yaar I'm just tying your shoe lace and thats why I said somethings never change."

Darn! He's right, I can be clumsy at times. I've been like that since childhood. We shared an eye lock and then after our little moment he tied my shoe lace.

"There you go." He said once he finished tying the shoe lace.

I said, "thanks let's go."

It's not like I didn't know how to swim it's just that I don't really like swimming I mean I do only when I'm in the mood. I'm not a professional swimmer just an amateur. Neel is a true sportsman. Whether it's cricket, badminton, table tennis, other outdoor games, swimming etc he's always been number one in all of them.