Chp:-12 Lost Everything

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Author's Notes A:N
Hey guys so here's the male protagonist's POV.

Let me make this clear Neel isn't a bad guy. He's a very nice person and a true friend but sometimes we get blinded by something and it takes time for us to get out of it and that's exactly what is happening with Neel. He's just oblivious.

He always cared about Ani. He just couldn't properly recognise and differentiate between his inner feelings and it happens with a lot of people. He did screw up though.

I just don't want y'all to hate Neel that's all.

What do y'all think, will he realise before it's too late?

To know more stay tuned.

The sky is clear. The cool breeze is making me feel peaceful. This peace is just like a pain killer like making the place where the pain is felt numb. People around me are all chirpy and happily playing around. I was observing everything while walking around the Marina beach HER favourite spot.

I come here everyday even if it is for five minutes. This place reminds me of HER a lot. We have so many memories here. I just kept chuckling while thinking about those times we've spent here. She took my peace, my happiness, my breath, my sleep, my relief, my smile my everything with her. I feel so empty after her abrupt departure.

I still analyse what was my fault? I'm still unable to understand. I've been trying to find out since the day she left. What wrong I did that she broke all ties with me? I always pray to God that everything should be normal one day I should get to see her, hug her, spend time with her just like before, I just need a chance to rectify my mistakes and make everything alright. I desperately want to see her and ask her what went so wrong and so many more things.


It's been 7 long years since she went to the USA which part where exactly I have no idea. She never told me. Now y'all must be wondering that I would've somehow got to know that where exactly she has gone as we're so close to each other but no I don't know.

I thought she'd come for Aniruddh and Jiya's wedding and Advay Saumya's wedding which happened exactly a week after Ani and Jiya's wedding which happened last year but sadly she didn't come. She didn't even show up for Shauri and Tia's wedding 2 years ago.

All my family members and HER family members think that I know about her whereabouts and what she's upto etc everything about her but little did they know what happened between us that day. Everything was over before I could even process it. They don't even ask me about HER much maybe because they might be getting updates from Subbu uncle and Meenu aunty and Neeti and Naitik anna from Anu akka and Kunal jeeju.

I sighed.

About my life now, I'm a doctor. Well not only a doctor I'm also the CEO of MedLife Hospitals aka the MedLife group. We changed the name from Ace Hospitals to MedLife hospitals. Ace was the name when my parents began running the hospital.

I'm a very well known cardiologist and cardio thoracic surgeon. I did my MD from the Harvard medical school in Boston. Me and Shaurya went there together and we were roommates. He's a good guy and a great friend.

I work with the best and most promising doctors in MedLife. I'm known as a cold hearted person like the typical boss you can say and I don't entertain any non sense behaviour. People think twice before opening their mouth in front of me. That's how I am. Cold for the world and a big softie for my loved ones.

In these 7 years my life has been all about work work and only work treating my patients, appointments, consultations and surgeries that's all. Eat, sleep, work repeat that's all my life is all about right now. I was just living, just existing. I became like a robot. There was no fun or enjoyment or happiness in my life.