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Daniel is currently sitting on a lecture, bored out of his mind. He hates learning about the history of photography and would love to just run out to take photos.

Thinking about photos leads his thoughts to a certain someone. A sigh leaves his lips. He'd prefer not to have Corbyn in his mind.
The brunette hasn't texted or called even once during the last few days and Daniel doesn't want to bother him.

'Is he already bored of me? Am I annoying? What if he never hangs out with me like he used to?'
The poor blonde has thoughts like these spinning around his mind all day. He has realized his feelings for Corbyn and will not fight against them anymore. There's no use. Feelings are feelings.

Since that, other kinds of thoughts have been in Daniel's mind too. He wants to experiment with Corbyn. He wants to feel those lips against his own and run his fingers through the brunette hair of the smaller's. He wants to hug him and make him feel safe. Daniel wants Corbyn.

But the way he's been distant lately is making Daniel slowly let go of his dreams.


Corbyn has been thinking. About Daniel. There's no way to get the blonde out of his mind because now he just misses him. He wants to watch butterflies with Daniel again.
A nervous sigh leaves his lips when he finds Daniel's number and presses the facetime button. While waiting he stares at rain drops slowly falling down his window.

"Hi Corb" a familiar soft voice talks as Daniel picks up.
"Hey Dani. I'm bored" Corbyn mutters and adds in his mind 'and miss your face'.

"Have you visited your butterfly friends these past days?" the blonde asks smiling.
"Yesterday yes because I needed to rant"

The conversation between the two starts to flow smoothly and nothing feels awkward. They love each other's presense, no matter if it's through a call or face to face.

"It's raining. Can't go out" Corbyn pouts and looks out at the gray sky.
"Your pout is adorable" Daniel whispers to himself without the other hearing. "I'm sorry you can't go out Corb. Do you have anything fun to do inside?"
The smaller thinks for a second and then shakes his head, the pout still on his face.

Daniel then suggests for him to come over to watch Netflix and in 20 minutes Corbyn is on his way, face glowing with a smile again.

He loves Daniel's apartment the second he pulls up to his driveway. It's quite small but looks very comfy. What makes Corbyn smile the most are the blue flowers on both sides of the front door.
When Daniel hears his doorbell, he rushes to the door, desperate to see someone he has missed so much.

And there he stands. The gray sweatpants and green hoodie hide his body and make him look so small. Daniel wants to coo at the way Corbyn's looking up at him before he softly says "hi Dani".
Corbyn's green eyes rake up and down the blonde's tall body before a pair of muscular arms pull him into a shy hug.

Corbyn loves hugs. Especially from Daniel. He loves the way Daniel's embrace is tight and warm, he can rest his head against Daniel's chest and feel like nothing could ever hurt him.

The moment is pure bliss for the blonde as well. Corbyn feels so small and cuddly and their bodies fit perfectly together. Silky brunette hair tickles Daniel's chin as he looks down to see the smaller look so peaceful with his eyes closed.

"Wanna go watch a show now?" Daniel whispers in Corbyn's ear. They share an intense eye contact before Corbyn nods and flashes a smile that melts the other's heart.

// sorry this chapter took so long to write :(

The butterfly boy; DorbynWhere stories live. Discover now