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"How is it nine already" Corbyn sighs after they have finished their last dance.
"I dunno, time really flies." Daniel states.
"It's still raining ugh" Corbyn looks out the window "and a lot."
"I don't think it's safe for you to drive in that weather and darkness" Daniel says, feeling a bit worried for the brunette. He knows the smaller is tired too.

"Then what do I do?"
"Stay" Daniel whispers, looking into Corbyn's eyes.

"Are you sure? Is-is it okay? Do you have a guest room or or I can sleep on cou-"
The rambling brunette is shut down by a finger pressed on his pink lips. The act makes him blush and look down embarrassed.
"It is totally okay Corb. I rather keep you here than let you go alone into the rain" Daniel softly talks, making sure to convince Corbyn. He runs his hand gently through the smaller's hair and lets it drop onto the boy's shoulder.


"Come to bed alreadyyy" Daniel calls for the other who's in the bathroom changing.
"I ammmm!"
Right after that the brunette boy walks back into Daniel's room, wearing only pajama pants. The pants have butterflies on them and to Daniel they are the cutest ever.

He doesn't have much time to admire Corbyn's pants though when there's his bare upper body and very attractive face in front of him.
"Stop staring Dani, I'm insecure" Corbyn pouts and tries to hide himself.
"Shush, you have nothing to be insecure about" the blonde talks, eyes still glued to the other "Also you never told me you work out."

"Well yeah I do sometimes" the brunette shrugs and flexes his biceps, making Daniel drool.
'So he's not only a shy flower boy but also a damn daddy' Daniel thinks to himself. His thoughts are cut by Corbyn's tired voice. "I'm sleepy. Let's sleep."

The brunette yawns and fall onto Daniel's bed. Before relaxing he glances up at the blonde, suddenly with a worried face.
"You completely sure I can sleep in your bed with you?"
"Stop worrying Corb! We literally watched the movie in bed together so sleeping won't be any different I think" the blonde talks softly as he just wants the brunette boy close to him.

"In that case" Corbyn starts and then lets his face fall against the mattress. Daniel giggles at him and gets up to go change and brush his teeth.
The blonde continues lying on the bed in sleepy state and Daniel clouding up his mind. 'I believe in this. He's meant for me.'

A few minutes later Daniel enters his room again and smiles as he finds Corbyn there.
"Now you get your sleep Corb" he chuckles and crawls onto the bed next to the smaller.

A few minutes later Corbyn is peacefully sleeping, curled up under the blanket. Daniel runs his hand down the brunette's cheek and notices a small tug of his lips. Corbyn has switched back to the shy cute boy he has been to Daniel.

"Sleep well hun" he whispers with a small kiss on Corbyn's hair, turns off the dim lights and closes his eyes.


Daniel runs as fast as he can, the thick trees and cold night air surrounding him. The person behind him is getting closer, roaring. "No no" Daniel whimpers as he notices a small river in front of him. He can't jump over it. He's trapped. The steps behind reach him and he's yanked back roughly. "I got you" a deep voice whispers.

"Dani? Are you awake?" a sleepy voice asks. Corbyn woken up to Daniel moving as their bodies were touching. The brunette squirms and lets out quiet sniffles.
"Hey, wake up" Corbyn shakes him, now worried. His favorite blue eyes suddenly open and the blonde boy catches his breath. He nearly jumps when he sees the other staring into his eyes but quickly calms down. He rather have Corbyn there next to him right now.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Corbyn quietly asks. He takes the shaky hand of Daniel's onto his own and interlaces their fingers. The blonde nods and looks away.
"This is embarrassing. Let's sleep."
"No. I know it bothers you and you looked scared Dani. Let's calm down."

It's dark in the room but the boys can still make up their silhouettes. Corbyn lays down and pulls Daniel onto him so that the blonde's head is resting against the smaller's chest.
"Breathe with me okay?" the brunette whispers. Daniel begins tracing patterns on the skin of Corbyn's which makes him smile.

The nightmare slowly fades away from the blonde's mind and sleep takes over them both.

// i hope this doesn't have typos! i finished this so quick that the ending might suck hahaha
love y'all🌸

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