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Corbyn's warm hand takes ahold of Daniel's as they walk toward the big building next to each other. Holding hands feels natural and calming and they both know they enjoy it. The two obviously like each other but haven't talked about it yet. They want to just enjoy their feelings and those butterflies in their tummies whenever they are with each other.

"Okay so we have a lecture" Daniel talks, leading Corbyn through the doors of the school.
"What is it about?" the brunette asks while looking around the building. He would totally get lost there without Daniel.
"It's about exposure and how to use different exposure times to create different photos."
"Hmm alright" Corbyn nods without really understanding anything.

Their conversation is soon interrupted by two boys, one tall and one short.
"Daniel! Bro we haven't seen you around in months!" the tall one shouts smiling and gives Daniel a hug. The shorter too hugs Daniel and Corbyn forces a smile on his face even though feeling left out.
He has never heard Daniel talk about his friends.

The smiley blonde feels genuinely happy to meet the two guys since Zach and Eben have been his closest friends since high school. They both major in music so sadly Daniel doesn't hang out with them a lot anymore.

His smile suddenly turns into a frown as he notices Corbyn's distant gaze and an obviously forced smile.
"Sorry I forgot to introduce Corbyn" he talks and continues "and these two are Eben and Zach" he explains to the brunette.

"Hi" Corbyn talks and his sweet smile nearly makes Daniel sob.
"Hi Corbyn, you study here? Haven't seen you around" Zach asks offering a warm smile at the brunette. Corbyn feels welcomed with these friends of Daniel's.
"Nope. I'm just a free spirit with no school stress" he chuckles.
"Ooh what a lucky guy!"

Eben's gaze drops to Corbyn and Daniel's hands that happen to still be connected.
"Ooh are you two a thing? So cute that our lil Dani found a love" Eben exclaims.
Daniel goes all red and with an awkward chuckle he denies it.
"We are not dating you goof!"

Zach looks at Corbyn with a knowing look and then winks at him making the boy blush. 'Would I look cute with Daniel? Would people like us together?'

"Well we gotta go now before we are late" Daniel's soft voice snaps Corbyn out of his thoughts and gets ready to keep going.
"Sure! Let's catch up sometime, bring Corbyn too" Eben smiles before continuing his way with Zach.

Corbyn follows behind Daniel to the big auditorium he has his lecture in, happy to not having to socialize with any more friends of Daniel's. He liked the two but new people are always scary.
"Aand we're here" the brunette enters the nearly empty place.
"To the back to the back!" Corbyn speeds up to get good seats from the very last row, making Daniel giggle.
They have five minutes to chat so Daniel takes it as an opportunity to ask about his friends.

"What did you think of Zach and Eben?"
"I liked them" the brunette looks at him with a smile, "they were chill." Daniel laughs at that.
"Isn't Jonah like really calm?"
"Not when you get to know him. And well- Jacky is a bit crazy" Corbyn chuckles.
"So is Zach let me tell you!"

"So you wanna join when I'll hang out with Zachy and Ebs?" he smiles.
"Yes" Corbyn nods and leans onto the blonde's shoulder.
"Now am sleepy" he whispers while covering a small yawn.
"Take a lil nap Corb, I know you're not used to waking up early" Daniel whispers back and wraps his arm around the boy.

He looks so small and cuddly that the blonde just wants to pepper his face in sweet kisses and hug the boy forever. He is falling for Corbyn and the thought is both amazing and making him anxious.
He doesn't want to lose Corbyn. He can't go through a heart break.

The professor then walks into the front and soon Daniel is completely focused on the topic.


Daniel feels some shifting next to him and soon notices Corbyn stirring awake.
"Good morning sleepy one" he chuckles and ruffles up Corbyn's hair gently.
"Hi Dani. How long did I sleep?" the brunette leans close to Daniel.
"Around half an hour. We got only 15 minutes left."

"Listen up students. I'm going to go easier on you all today but I have a task for you. Try different exposures and try to see how it affects the photo. Send me your best shot within the next 3 days. See you next week" the tall and young-looking teacher announces before the students practically run out.

"You heard that? Ah I swear he's my favorite" Daniel sighs with a grin on his face. The other huffs crossing his arms over his chest.
"Should I be jealous?" he raises his brows.

Daniel laughs and playfully slaps the boy.
"No Corb. I only meant he's my fave teacher. Well he doesn't look bad eith-"
"Shush Dani and let's go. I don't wanna see him anymore" the brunette drags Daniel out, trying to act annoyed. A small smile slips onto his lips though.

Once they have exited the auditorium to the unusually empty halls, Daniel decides to give a little round around the building.
"That hall there has biology labs and classrooms" Daniel points at a long looking hall with lots of doors.
Corbyn looks around in interest.

"They better not have butterflies in jars and study them that way" he mutters. Daniel's arm lands onto his waist to calm his worries as they continue.

"Guess what there is" the blonde asks, pointing at a door as they have walked to the other side of the school. Corbyn looks through the window next to the door and soon notices guitars hanging on a wall.
"Is that a music classroom?" he turns to look at Daniel eyes wide.
"Even better. It's a studio. And students can freely go there when it's vacant."

"Let's go there can we please" Corbyn takes Daniel's hand in his and plays with his fingers. The blonde can't help but coo at the act.
Daniel didn't know the smaller was musical so he was surprised but of course they could go there.
"I could never say no to you."

// all the comments and messages i get when i update mean a lot to me and i'm really thankful!❤️
they also make me feel more confident with my writing since english isn't my main language and when writing i feel like i use some weird phrases sometimes hahaha

update June 12th: I messed up with the boys' friends so I had to change this🤦🏼‍♀️so Jonah and Jack are Corbyn's besties and Eben and Zach are Daniel's !!

The butterfly boy; DorbynWhere stories live. Discover now