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Corbyn hasn't played in a really long time. He has longed for the feeling of a guitar resting on his lap and the strings tense under his fingertips. The feeling brings back memories. Nothing in particular but just a wave of past that floods through him.

Now he's in a studio with Daniel who's watching the boy's every movement. 'Time to shine' Corbyn thinks as he plays the first strum.

Daniel's ears got blessed the moment Corbyn started playing. The sound of the guitar was so soft and soothing and he wanted to sit there listening for hours.
But oh, how he felt like in heaven when the blonde opened his mouth. An angelic voice flowed into his ears and the fact Corbyn looked like a real angel made Daniel think he must have entered God's home.

I wanna take all the stars
And shine them on you
I want to take all the lights in New York City
And shine them on you

Daniel had absolutely no idea Corbyn had musical skills and voice this amazing since he never mentioned anything.
But there he now sits, singing and playing the melodies perfectly.

Oh, the way you look in this light
It's nothing I've ever seen before
Oh the way you look in this light
It's like I found a diamond on the shore

Corbyn has lost all his thoughts, only focused on letting the words fall from his lips. He has his eyes closed as he remembers by heart how to play the song.
When he gets to the chorus, he remembers dreaming of singing it one day to someone special, and that's when a certain blonde fills his mind.

His head screams to open his eyes and direct the words to Daniel since he's literally in front of him. That's what he does. He really directs each word to the boy he hasn't got out of his mind these past weeks.

I wanna kiss your lips in the rain
Make you feel like you lost all the sorrow and pain
I wanna lift you up and spin you 'round
And tell you, I never ever want this thing to change
'Cause you're perfect the way you are

Their eyes meet and the two feel like it's only them in this world. Daniel never thought music could cause a feeling this intense in him but Corbyn proved that wrong.

..The only one I can love, the only one I can love
The only one
The only one
Corbyn softly finishes, delaying the last note and letting his guitar hum before silence falls into the room. The boys look at each other without saying anything, Daniel in awe and Corbyn in fear of the blonde not liking it.

"You- you didn't tell me you were an artist" Daniel stutters.
"Well I'm not really, I only play and sing sometimes. I used to do it a lot but a year ago my guitar broke and I don't have enough money for a new one" the brunette talks while setting the instrument back on the wall.

"You are so good like holy moly your voice is angelic Corb" the other rambles which makes Corbyn smile and look away.
"Thank you Dani."
"Also the song was so beautiful and I loved the lyrics."
"Yeah it's called The only one" Corbyn responds and sits on a bench next to Daniel, looking around the room.
"Who's it by? I haven't heard it before."

"Ugh you are amazing bud. Promise you'll sing to me sometime again?" Daniel whispers, gently running his fingers down Corbyn's arm and lowering his path to the boy's palm. Corbyn nods and lays his head onto the blonde's shoulder.

Their own little moment breaks as soon as the door is yanked open.
"Not a thing my ass!" Eben laughs with Zach following behind. Corbyn and Daniel look at them like deer in headlights and blush heavily.
"We should actually go home now" Daniel says and pulls Corbyn up with him.
"Sure, wanna hang tomorrow? We four and maybe Corbyn can bring friends too?"
"Of course, I'll text you two, bye!"

The two boys speed away before breaking down in giggles. Daniel is very content by his idea of taking Corbyn to school with him. And so is the brunette. He had a good time with Daniel, made new friends and got to sing.

The spark in Corbyn's green eyes lights up the second they step out of the building.
"It's not raining! It's almost clear!" he jumps up and down in excitement, nearly jumping over Daniel.
He attaches himself to Daniel's arm and clinges onto him, making the blonde squeal. "I bet you're the happiest person to see sunshine" he chuckles.

"Actually, you are the sunshine Corb."

The butterfly boy; DorbynWhere stories live. Discover now