Annabeth Chase's POV

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My last class of the day is my elective. Architecture. And because I am one of few cultured people in this school, I was one of 16 students in the class. Not many. The only other people in this class I knew were Connor Stoll and his new girlfriend.

Connor Stoll said he only took this class because he needed a second elective, and pranking wasn't an option. But I suspect it is because he is actually interested. But his girlfriend Taylor? I have no idea. I've only met her once on a white water rafting trip in middle school.

But I sat in the class, looking at Mr. Apollo. He was writing on the whiteboard in green marker, making small squeaky noises.

"Why hello there class!" He said in a peppy voice. "My Name is Mr. Apollo. I'm here to teach you the marvelous wonders of ancient and modern architecture!" I rolled my eyes. Get on with it already. Mr. Apollo winked at me. Weirdo.

"Did y'all bring your computers with you?" He asked. He looked at us all staring blankly at him.

"Yeah," was the grumble that came from the class.

"That's fabulous," he said. "Open them up, don't be shy, and open up the email I sent y'all for our first lesson together. Is everyone here?" He looked at the class.

Then he took attendance. By last name. So lame.

"Annabeth Chase?" He said. "Here," I managed to say without my voice cracking. "Good," he said. "Oh! Chase!" He said. Good grief

"I know your father!" He said, waving his green pen in the air. "A wonderful man he is. Wow. Big shoes to fill Annabeth." I rolled my eyes and opened my computer. Please I just want to learn, that's all I ask.

Mr. Apollo kept calling for attendance as I opened the documents he emailed me. Oh my gosh. Wow. It's a sheet. Full of questions. To get to know me. I might as well quit now. This isn't even learning.

I was so wrapped in my annoyed thoughts that I almost missed the black haired boy knocking on the window next to me. I looked around, but Mr. Apollo just kept calling names. I looked out the window and saw a familiar face smiling from ear to ear.

Percy Jackson.

He waved and I discreetly waved back.

Smiling, Percy pointed at a short tree that I could barely see from where I was sitting. I nodded. Then he pointed to the clock over the doorframe. And I looked back to see him making the numbers 4 0 0 with his hands. I nodded, getting the message. He pressed his nose against the glass, and smiled at me. Then waved, and bolted the other direction. I giggled and looked back at Mr. Apollo, who was staring at me with dagger eyes.

"Annabeth," he said. "Hmm?" "Make plans with your boyfriend after class." I tried to keep my gaping mouth closed as Connor Stoll and his dumb girlfriend chuckled at me. Mr. Apollo looked away.
"Hey, Connor!" I whispered.
"Yes lover bird?" He said, swiveling his head to face me. And very not so discreetly shot him a double birdie. He wasn't laughing after that, but the rest of the (small) class was. Mr. Apollo
kept doing what he was doing. What a fun class.

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