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Tommy sat on the beach as the Sun sets leaving an orange hue in the sky and the beach, the sunset is Tommy's favorite part of the day while he is in exile. Its beauty gave the place beauty and it makes him smile, even in his lowest point of his life.

As Tommy watch the sun he put on a smile as his warm tears freely flow into his face, he feel peaceful at that time even he was dying inside. Tired of his life.

"I serve for the rights..I risks my two lives for her, for l'manberg—but what do I get?" Tommy felt like his throat was going to break "I GET FUCKING EXILED!"

"I DO IT FOR Wilbur! I DO IT FOR HER! I DO IT FOR TUBBO, but I never left anything for myself!" Tommy yelled in the endless vast ocean in front of him "I-I never left..anything!"

Tommy then hugged the the compass, still crying and yelling like a madman TUBBO! please forgive me! forgive please I don't know how to survive anymore!"

Tommy was waiting for the voices to mock him again, to laugh at his misery but there was non. No one was there, but him. Alone.

Tommy started hitting both sides of his head while saying "MOCK ME! laugh at me! I don't want to be ALONE!"

but no one was there.....

He started yelling again, still hitting his head and kicking the sand all over him. He was like a child who was having a tantrum.

Tommy gaze upon the iron sword on his right, it hit him like a brick.

He grabbed the sword tightly both hands clutching it and raise it in front if his heart, he then put a smile in his lips. Tommy close his eyes and breath through his teeth, accepting his fate.

Tommy thought if he can't go home as a living person, he can as a ghost. What was dream going to do? kill him? he was already dead right? he has nothing to lose. He felt dead inside and out anyways, what would be the difference right?

As he ready his sword, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He then slowly turn around.

"Don't do it, Tommy" The mangled voice said calmly


Tubbo sign as he look into the sunset, he remembers how he and Tommy sat on the bench near his house and listen to his disk laughing about the war and life.

He was writing letters for Tommy for a past 2 weeks now but non of them ever have a response, even he was saying sorry all over again in his letter but his pleading left into deaf ears.

"I will never forgive you!"

Those words keeps on ringing to into his head, he felt alone and broken apart. He was like a broken puzzle who has a missing piece. Tubbo's were blood shot as every night he can't stop crying, guilt is always in his back.

Tubbo slowly turn around and face the door as he heard a knock at the door.

"Tubbo?" Fundy said in the other side of the door "Dream wants to see you"

At that split second Tubbo's eyes lit up with hope, hope that Tommy will reply to his last letter to him. He quickly sat to his swivel chair and breathe.

"Come in"

The door open with Fundy opening it and Dream coming in with his weird mask attach to his face making his expression unreadable, Fundy then close the door giving privacy to the two of them.

"How's your day, Mr. president" Dream ask as he came face to face with Tubbo's shit like face


Dream smirk under his mask "I can see that" pointing to Tubbo's blood shot eyes,deep eye bugs and tired like appearance.

"D-Did Tommy replied to any of my letters?" Tubbo ask, glancing over to Dream's shoulder bag.

"Oh..about that, he didn't write any" Dream said in a surprise tone "Sorry"

Tubbo felt like he was being stab in the heart, i felt painful that his Best friend don't even reply to him. "oh, I guess I'll have to try again"

"Why?" Dream ask, curiously

"What do you mean why?" Tubbo replied, writing something with his paper and quill

"Why are you so determine to write for him even he pushes you away? why Tubbo?"

Tubbo stop writing for a second "Because he is my friend Dream and it's my fault that he was exiled" Tubbo replied as he proceed to write again

"Friendship or Guilt?"

Tubbo glared at Dream as his eyebrows met "Are you saying that I wasn't doing this because he is my friend but because of guilt!?"

"If the shoe fits" Dream said sarcastically

"Then HOW DARE YOU! you are standing infront of L'manberg's president! how dare are you insult me inside my home!" Tubbo then slam the table as a loud thud echoed through the room

"Tubbo, what word in the sentence I won't forgive you you can't comprehend?" Dream said calmly with a smirk in his face

"I-Its just his reaction!"

"he curse at you, you can see the furry in his eyes Tubbo, are you blind or stupid?"

Tubbo's eyes widen, he anger rose to his heart and into his head.

"First of all Dream, I'm neither blind or stupid! cause if I'm blind, I couldn't see what you're doing now! if I'm stupid? I couldn't have tell that you are Manipulating me now!" Tubbo said with triumph "Everyone in here can smell your tricks from miles dream, even me! so whatever you are planning I suggest you stop it early"

Dream just stand there frozen, standing still, staring at the president.

"I suggest you should go too" Tubbo continued as he push a button, within a second Quackity and Fundy is already standing there behind him. Tubbo then hand Dream the letter as he smile

Quackity and Fundy then escort Dream out of the room, making Tubbo alone again. He wants to forget all of Dream's bullshit but it stayed there haunting him every single minute.



Nightmare Tommyinnit (Exile Tommyinnit au)Where stories live. Discover now