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(Wrong grammars and lots of mention of the word BLOOD and swearing (obviously) there will be no trigger notices so if you are triggered by this kind of themes—please forgive me )

It's been days since they deliver the declaration of war towards DreamXD, the Dreamon Clan had camp on the eastern side of the over world—claiming the land as there starting territory for the future conquest of this world.

It's been days but Dream felt like he is losing time, The Dreamon clan had millions of soldier—even L'manberg or DreamXD can't handle this. Dream's eyes furrowed, walking around his tent—planning to evacuate his Mom, George, karl and Sapnap away from this war.

Even if there last meeting might have been bitter, he can't let them be in this war—he had join Dreamon to protect his family from this kind of scenario. He isn't a saint or anything—he didn't care for anything outside his family.

He didn't care if he die trying

Dream grunted as he brush his fingers through his blonde hair, his lime green eyes stared at the mask sitting at the table. He then gave himself an unsure breath and roll up his sleeve, on his left arm—a tattoo that symbolizes his death.

He could only gave a pity smile on himself, tears now rolling down his eyes as he tried to kept the smile on his face. Just for once, he wanted to smile, Just for once...he wanted to close his eyes and just, live.

Endless tears now dripping on his Jaw as he clenched it, unable to whine. Whenever he sees his hands, he could only see lime green substance dipping endlessly— he knew he was losing it from the very start, either sanity or the people he cared about.

He was blaming Dreamon for all of this, he nicknamed himself Dreamwastaken but the truth is he was never been taken—he had join Dreamon with cleared head and cleared thoughts, he had endure years of pain and suffering—years of loneliness and longingness— years of not being a human.

Dream could only cry, he can imagine his former self—Clay—looking down at him...disappointed. His mom disgusted. George and Sapnap running away from him.

He sat down and fallback to the frame of his bed, he then hug his knees and buried his face into it.


Dream suddenly look up to see Nightmare on the opening of his tent, looking serious again. He hated this, he always hated whenever he get serious—he knew that this demon had gone soft on him, he could use him to his own advantage but even him...he had gone soft to him too without him realizing it.

"Dreamon wants to see you" He said sternly as he looks down to Dream's direction, Dream could only grunt as he slowly stand up.

"Why? Why does he want this time?" Dream ask, he stand there looking at Nightmare with emotionless face.

"He just wants to see you..." Nightmare mumbled squinting his eyes towards Dream's left arm, it has a tattoo on in "What's that?"

Dream then look at his arms, he could only curse at himself as he hide his arms frantically "N-Nothing, it's nothing"

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