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Tommy slowly turn around, still clutching the sword in his hands. His eyes widen to see a hooded cloak man staring at him, his face was covered with a mask.

A smiley mask, like dream's.

"D-Dream?" Tommy said stuttering, still frozen as he stare at the hooded mask man.

The mask man slowly shake his head, then titled it's head as he still stare at the confuse and scared boy. The hand that is resting in Tommy's shoulder was now in his head, there were minutes of silence before the man broke it.

"Don't you remember me?" The mask man ask with his mangled voice, it was slow and disturbing but to Tommy it was so familiar.

"N-No" Tommy replied,still stuttering in fear and confusion "S-Sorry"

"we've meet before, Tommy. Tommyinnit" The mangled voice said, trying to have an accent over his mangled and distorted voice as he said Tommy's name "Its funny that the First time I saw you is you are crying, now... your still crying?"


Tommy glance over the sword in his hand "I-It's— I can't handle it anymore, I don't to be ALONE! they've took everything from me!" Tears started forming in his eyes "E-Even the only friend—I have! Dream!"

The sword fell over the sand, making a muffled thud. Tommy covered his face as Tears started rolling down his face, his sobs and cries were loud enough to hear from the forest.

"I'm a stupid piece of shit!" Tommy yelled at the top of his lungs "A FUCKING LIABILITY!"

The mask man slowly take his hand from the boy's head and inside his cloak, he take something from inside and as he take out his hand he was holding a chocolate.

"TOMMY" The mask man called, trying to caught Tommy's attention "TOMMY"

The mangled voice slowly caught Tommy's attention, his tears are still rolling down his face as his blood shot eyes stare at the mask man.

"What the fuck is that?" Tommy said confuse to why the the man would give him a chocolate

"For you, you were crying" The mask man said as he took the teen's hand and put the chocolate in the teen's palms.

Tommy felt dejavu all of the sudden, the chocolate and the exact words the man said were familiar to him. He can't just—remember it.

"This feels so familiar" Tommy mumbled under his breath looking at the chocolate in his hands "Why is it so familiar? he and this scenario"

"Cause" The mask man stand up and Tommy can see he was so tall than he expected "We've meet before"

The wind slowly got into a fast pace as the man stand up, its cloak was waving along the winds. Tommy place his arms on his eyes to prevent the sands from entering his eyes.

"B-But why can't I remember you?" Tommy said as he can feel the wind turn into a sudden tornado, Tommy can feel the wind circling them with sands hitting him as he shield his eyes with his right hand "What the fuck is going on!"

"Do you want to remember tommy?" The man said but Tommy can hear it inside his head, the distorted voice bring him a throbbing headache from the back of his head "Do you want to remember the memory they force you to forget!?"

Nightmare Tommyinnit (Exile Tommyinnit au)Where stories live. Discover now