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As Tommy past out, felt like his spirit left his body and into a cold dark hole. He was falling into the endless void but he didn't felt fear, he just felt empty.

Tommy close his eyes and a minute after that he felt like he landed on water, cold as ice. There was a loud splash! Tommy slowly open his eyes and felt free for the first time as he drift from the depths, he wore a weak smile and mumbled the words...

"Finally, Free"


Tommy sat straight up, panicking.

Is he dead?
Does his misery ended?
Is he going to see his brother? is he finally going to be with Wilbur?

His eyes look around, there was nothing but darkness and mist—it was like the legendary void his brother told him from the stories he read in there Dadza's study. Tommy thought for a second that he was in hell, that this is his punishment! To be alone forever!

But the mist slowly materialize, it shaped into a man—it was wearing an armor, full netherite armor. Tommy's widen suddenly, he was wearing Nightmare! the mask!

Tommy jolted up and felt like his head was giving up, he felt nauseous too but quickly brush it off and stare back at the man.

The man has the same height as him, under his netherite armor was a prince type clothes—it's crimson color really pop out from the darkness behind him. 

He also have a raven hair color and a pale complexion, like Dreamon he just staring there—without twitching. As they stand there staring at each other, there surrounding became colder to the point Tommy can see his breath leaving his mouth—they were like inside a freezer.

"W-Where am I?" Tommy said stuttering because of the cold atmosphere "And Who are you?"

"Hello Tommy" The man said with distaste in his mouth, the man slowly walk towards the teen—by the look of his walk he was not trained to sloppy, he was like Techno a bit "I've been waiting for this day to come"

"Answer my question! who are you and where am I!" Tommy hissed

"I. Am. You" At the blink of an eye, The man was in Tommy ears as he whisper those words. Tommy finally connected the pieces, the brick of realization quickly hit him as hard as it can.

"Your Aza—"

Tommy can feel him smiling behind the black mask "That's right Tommy, I'm Azazel—we are"

Tommy felt his throat dry, Azazel then grab the Mask covering his face. He took it off, exposing his face. He was like Tommy—He resembles Tommy a lot, they look like twins but his eyes were red. Glowing and evil

"We are in a mind scape, our mind" Azazel continued turning around from Tommy "Inside our head!"

"Do you live here?" Tommy ask

Azazel turn sharply and look at Tommy "I am here to help you remember"

The mist and darkness slowly disappeared,  the darkness turn into an ink like form and in a blink of an eye they were inside castle— the walls have a black color and haunted looking.

Nightmare Tommyinnit (Exile Tommyinnit au)Where stories live. Discover now