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"TOMMY!" Philza yelled as he wake up with tears in his eyes, sweats were rolling down his face as he breath heavely.

His heart felt heavy, it felt like it was going to burst any minute now. He remember the nightmares that has been messing with his head, he can remember it vividly.

"PHIL!" Techno yelled as he burst out the door as he heard Phil shout, he was holding a netherite sword ready to kill someone who would hurt his father "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?"

Philza's eyes started to fill with tears, he started to wipe it but it won't stop. His throat felt sore and as he sob, he was broken inside as his nightmares haunt him for 2 weeks straight.

"Phil? A-are you alright?" Techno said putting away the sword and sat beside his father, he never seen him cry this way since his mom died "Tell! what's wrong?"

"T-The n-nightmares—" Phil replied with grasp voice "T-there haunting me again!"

"Phil! tell me about them! I know you can remember them! don't fucking lie to me!" Techno said as he stand up, his voice became louder than before.

"N-No! I-I can't tell you Techno!" Phil shouted tears still running down his face "I can't risk it!"

"Risk what! are you hiding something from me!?" Techno ask, confuse to what his father meant "Phil?"

"Techno! please! I don't want to talk about this again!" Philza yelled, turning away from his son as he compose himself.

"But I do! Very since I can remember you are hiding something from us! me and Wilbur! I want to know—" Techno pleaded as he put his hand on his father's shouldee "I want to know—Phil"

Phil look at Techno eyes, he can't take his son's eyes. His sons are the only weakness he had, he is his strength and weakness at the same time.

"Techno—it's about—Tommy" Philza said stuttering with his words, nervous to spill the secret of his third son.

Techno's eyes widen, surprise to why is it about his brother. Tommy, the most chaotic and unmannered son of the great adventurer Philza Minecraft.

He and Tommy were never close, he knew that he is always the one who started it all. He was always mean to him and bully him for childish reason, he knew that he was never a better brother for Tommy.

"What about—him?" Techno asked but as philza open his mouth a knock on the door interrupted there conversation, Techno annoyingly sign and smile at his father.


The knocks became louder as Techno proceed to turn the nob, he was holding a sword in his other hand. Techno open the door harshly but as he saw what was in the other side of the door his widen, it was captain puffy.

she was wearing a white hooded cloak, she slowly took off the hood and expose her sheep like face.

"Good morning Techno...umm—" Puffy said nervously looking at the sword in Techno's hands, but Techno was just staring at Puffy. Frozen in place "Is something wrong? Hello? earth to techno?"

"Puffy? i-is it really you?" Techno said in disbelief, the sword made a loud metallic thud as he fell down the floor "I've never seen you sinc—"

"Since the mighty Philza Minecraft retired? yeah—it's really been years since I saw you! you were like 16 then!" Puffy said hugging Techno tightly "Oh I miss my nephew!"

Techno then hugged her aunt, ever since he can remember Puffy was there with them she also help there mother and Philza with the struggle of being parents.

As they break apart each other from there hugs, they put up a smile in there face "how's foolish?" Techno asked, still wearing a smile in his face.

"He left the crew, he said he wanted to build things not to ride ships" Puffy giggled "of course who am I to stop his dreams, now he is some where in his world following his heart's desire!"

"H-how's the search?" Techno ask, hesitating to ask this kind of question.

"The search ended years—they've stopped...but I never lost hope, I will find him" Puffy's voice hold sadness for a second but it quickly change to her cheerful tone "and besides, i've promise that I'll find him even in the very end of the world"

Techno and Puffy then heard footsteps coming to them, it was philza holding his coffee. Philza stare at his long lost friend, unable to move and frozen in place.

"H-Hi" Puffy nerviously greeted at Philza

"Puffy—" Philza mumbled under his breath, he then run to her and gave her a big hug. He missed her, one of the fellow guardian he treats as his sister "I thought I'll never see you again!"

"me too Phil, me too"


The three of them were silent as they sat on the empty chairs in the kitchen, the three of were just glancing at each other while sipping coffee.

"Puffy—I see that you never leave the council?" Philza asked

"Y-yeah—I can't leave it" Puffy said as she put a nervous smile at the two, Phil and Techno look at each other nervous why Puffy is acting peculiar.

"Puffy—is this really a visit or  there is something you want to tell me?" Phil said calmly

Puffy sign and compose herself "I-It's about the council"

Phil's eyes turn into slits "What about them?"

"Phil— Our nightmares are now coming true! The enemy of light has been found" Puffy said as she summon all of her courage "and they want the boy back"

Phil's eyes widen with shock, hearing what puffy just said. Puffy is right, Philza's nightmares are coming true. His arch nemesis have waken up from his grave, the day of the reackoning will be soon.

"Wait guys? what do you mean? who's the enemy of the light?" Techno chimed in, curious "And who the fuck is the boy?"

"You've never told them?!" Puffy yelled in disbelief "Phil? answer me!"

"Fine! yeah I didn't Puffy!"

Puffy's eyes widen "W-why?!"

"Cause I don't want them to look at the child different!" Phil replied, still looking at Puffy's shocked expression "I don't want them to fear him!"

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO SAYING?!" Techno finally stand up as he shouted "Can someone please tell me! what the heck are you two talking about?!"

"If you don't tell him! I will phil!" Puffy hissed at Phil "You can't just cover up the truth!"

Phil just look at the other direction, with furrowed eyes. He knew he can't get away from the truth! he needed to tell him and Tubbo but he can't!

"It's about your brother—Tommy"


Nightmare Tommyinnit (Exile Tommyinnit au)Where stories live. Discover now