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Agape sto Thanato

(love in death)

"Then dig two graves, if I die I promise I will wake up by your side"

3rd POV

Wonwoo did not want to be here. The god of death was stuck with his twin talking about recent mortal activities. The god of sleep was being chatty and hyper to Wonwoo's distress.

"Seokmin, how long do we have to wait for mother?" Wonwoo asked rubbing his forehead. He was told by his brother that their mother called for their presence.

"I don't know, all I'm told was that she wanted to meet us" the god of sleep replied without looking at him.

There was a ring in Wonwoo's left pocket. He fished out his device and opened it. There was a call the god of the underworld. He excused himself from his brother to answer the call.

"Yes, Lord Jeonghan?" he greeted his boss. There was scuffling from the other line before the man responded.

"Wonwoo, sorry to call you on your day off but there's something I have to talk to you" Jeonghan, the god of the underworld responded.

"I'll be heading there, My lord" Wonwoo replied looking at his watch. It's been an hour since he and Seokmin were waiting for their mother.

"That's good to hear. Just head straight to my office" with that the phone call ended. Wonwoo returned to Seokmin and collected his coat. His twin regarding him silently.

"Work called, just tell mother I'll meet her next time," Wonwoo said as he adjusted his black coat and glasses. There was a groan from Seokmin but was followed by an 'I'll tell her'.

Macaria POV

I love my dad, I do, really! But there are just times where I want him to stop treating me like a child. As the youngest among my sibling, my dad was always overprotective of me. Although I did appreciate the efforts and concern, it was becoming annoying.

Today was my first day working as the goddess of "blessed" death but dad being the overprotective father that he is called in Wonwoo, the god of death, in his day off just to help me be settled in. I haven't really met the man but I'm expecting an old man to come by. There were rumors of him being grumpy and hard to work with but dad assured me that he was a good person, very responsible, and good with his job even!

He was currently on call with my uncle Cheol while waiting for the god of death. Uncle Cheol was a doting uncle too, bought me and my siblings to Olympus a couple of times before so we could get some fresh air... As if the air in the underworld was bad... it was decent!

My dad's dominion was the underworld, so he was always busy maintaining everything in order. When my dominion was revealed, dad was happy. He bragged to everyone how I would excel in my job! Despite the celebrations, I was a bit dejected. There was already a god taking care of deaths and I felt like I was just given that dominion considering my father was the god of the underworld. My mother comforted me, telling me she felt the same way with grandmother before, she assured me that my role was important and I'd, later on, realize it.

"Macaria" dad called me. I was situated in a coach in his office. The office was simple, with a large table in the center where dad did his paper works. A coach with a coffee table in the center and some bookshelves.

"Yes, father?" I answered him looking at him from my sit. He smiled in my direction and shuffled his papers. He usually does this when he wants to say something but couldn't manage to speak it out.

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