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Wonwoo's POV

It's been weeks since I have been working together with Macaria. After the underworld has settled from the chaos that had happened, everything was slowly going back to normal. Jeonghan fully recovered the day after he was down and was overseeing everything.

By the time Jun came back to collect the papers, all of them were already finished. I was amazed at how fast and efficient Macaria was with them. Speaking of which she was slowly getting used to the collecting of souls and the aftereffects it had. She still cried and feel so much empathy for them, but she was slowly getting there.

I no longer accompanied her whenever there was a death she had to collect. It was all going well, and I'd like to keep it that way. I was surprisingly sleeping well nowadays and Jeonghan was not dumping many works in my way.

I was currently with Hecate and Charon treading the Styx. It was a peaceful day, there wasn't that much death and when there were, they did not have drachmas to pay Charon, giving him, as he quoted, "free day."

"The lines on your face seem more relax than they were Wonwoo" Hecate commented. Charon removed his head and scrutinized me, then he scuffed.

"Lies! He still looks as he was! Cold and mean!" Charon commented. I just shrugged at what he said. Hecate on the other hand threw a pebble at him.

"You're just being grumpy since Jeonghan still isn't raising your pay" she teased him. There was a ghost of a smile on my face. I very much knew it would rile up Charon. He was sensitive when it comes to his paycheck.

"Hey! I'm doing hard work Hecate! I row people across the Styx every day! Unlike you!" Charon retorted. Hecate did not dignify him with a response, instead, she just laughed at him.

"Why am I with a bunch of kids?" I asked myself as I fixed my hair. Hecate and Charon both turned to me. One was glaring at me, while the other had an amused look in their eyes.

"Oh yeah, why don't you tell us with the goddess you were with lately" Hecate teased.

"Wasn't she the new goddess of death?" Charon asked, "She's of Jeonghan and Persephone, right?" he added.

"The youngest of the three siblings, Macaria" Hecate said, she was looking at me with a funny face.

"She's a fast learner" I answered. Hecate was about to push me to answer more when I received a message. It was from Jeonghan, calling me to his office to talk about things.

"I have to go; the boss is calling me" I bid them goodbye before flying to his office.


I was outside Jeonghan's office. I patted down my coat and fixed my hair before knocking on his door. There was a muffled 'come in' from the other side. I whispered, "Excuse the intrusion" before entering his office.

"Wonwoo, please have a seat," he said without looking up the paper he was reading. I noticed several pictures of his wife and their family around the office. This was the ruler of the underworld, feared by most mortals and other gods, and yet he was also one of the most devoted gods I know.

"How is Macaria's progress?" he asked.

"She's improving my Lord. She is indeed a goddess of blessed death" I answered him. There was a hum in his end. He placed down the paper he was working on and looked at me.

This man may seem innocent and harmless, but his eyes held the intensity that reminded everyone of the titan Kronos. Despite working with him for more years than the mortals could think of, I still feel chills when he looks at me in my eyes. His presence screamed his divinity, and one could never help but feel reverence to him.

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