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3rd POV

Dino sat there in front of his father. Both wore a serious mask. Dino cleaned his stygian blade while his father contemplated the news he has heard.

"Are you sure about what you heard?" Jeonghan asked. Dino stopped cleaning his blade and set it aside.

"I wouldn't bother coming here if it wasn't" he replied feeling annoyed. He'd rather be out there hunting and taking care of his domain rather than staying in his father's office.

Other's may assume they have a sour relationship, but Dino just preferred doing the things he liked. He and his father have a good relationship, and he respects him. Both men had a massive sense of responsibility to their domain. It's just Dino was far more driven and passionate compared to his laid-back father.

"Pray, where have you heard it?" Jeonghan asked again leaning on his chair.

"Near the border in Tartarus" Dino replied.

Jeonghan let out a tired sigh before rubbing the back of his neck. Dino took this as a cue to leave. Before he could leave Jeonghan called his attention and approached him.

"Chan, you take care out there. If you hear anything more about it, tell me. Also, keep this between us... for now" Jeonghan said holding his son's shoulder.

Dino nodded and headed out.

Macaria's POV

Uncle Cheol was chatty as always. We were walking towards where mother was. He already told me how Hebe was slowly growing up and that he was afraid his little girl would finally go and leave Olympus soon. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics, he and dad were similar that way, they were overprotective and would most probably keep us away from any of these responsibilities after becoming a full-fledged god/goddess.

Not far away I could already see mother tending the crops. I ran faster and called her. I could feel Uncle Cheol running beside me. Mom must've noticed me since she stood up, patter herself, and opened her arms in my direction.

"My baby!" Mom greeted me as she enclosed me in a bear hug. Her hugs were always warm and welcoming. It made you want to melt there and just sleep. I held onto her a little longer before untangling myself in her hug.

"Look at you! I have been hearing mortals talking about you!" Mom gushed. I couldn't help but blush. It was good to hear that mortals are acknowledging me; it makes me feel important.

"A proof that she is doing good in her dominion!" Uncle Cheol interjected smiling. His dimples showing and his eyes blazed with what looked like crackling thunder.

"Not only my daughter but also my youngest grandchild, tainted by Jeonghan" I heard grandmother moaned from behind.

"It's good to see you too, grandma" I greeted her. She smiled at me and handed me a bowl of cereal.

"My brother isn't that bad Demeter," Cheol said to grandma while pouting. Who would've thought the King of Gods to pout like a child in a field? Grandma just scoffed at him and placed her hand on her hips.

"What is it that you want Seungcheol?" Grandma asked. Uncle chuckled and excused himself to talk to her.

I was left alone with my mother. She guided me to a shade where we could sit, and I could eat my cereal comfortably. We found a good spot and situated ourselves there. As I was eating, my mother was busy fixing and combing my hair.

"Chan came here before and told me you were working extra hard" Mom started a conversation. I simply hummed in response while munching my food. "Meli on the other hand, came here to get some fresh air and went back to her domain. Didn't even bother to bring the cornucopia I prepared for her" she added.

I finished my bowl and set it aside before leaning on to mother. Her hand went to my side and held me close. I closed my eyes and let the warm and relaxing breeze caress me.

"Hoshi is working extra hard with these breezes, isn't he," I asked absent-mindedly.

"All of you take after me so much" I heard my mother said. I couldn't help but smile and open my eyes to meet her.

"Very much dedicated with work and sometimes forget to rest" she continued.

"I do rest, look at me" I replied snuggling close to her. There was a chuckle that erupted from her.

"You only came here because Cheol dragged you, did he not?" mother retorted.

"I will not deny nor accept that" I teased her. We fell into a comfortable silence before mother asked me another question.

"Your father, how is he faring?" It was evident in her voice. Mom missed Dad, as much as Dad missed her.

"He is holding himself up mom and he's been taking care of me like reminding me to take a rest" I answered her. I stood up and stretched, it was time for me to head down and deliver these souls.

"That is good to hear," mother said as she stood up too.

Suddenly the temperature increased causing some plants to wither. Grandmother and Cheol rushed to us to see what the commotion was. It felt like the sun was about to burst in our faces. As the bright light retreated there, he was flanked by three old women.

The god of prophecy and music stood there together with the fates. As soon as Uncle's eyes adjusted, his face contorted from being confused to being serious.

"Jihoon, why are the fates with you?" asked uncle in a grave voice.

Jihoon turned around to face me and spoke,

"Goddess of death..."

Wonwoo's POV

Something was wrong. Seokmin's voice was serious and after saying that he just ended the call. I was flying fast to where we usually meet. At the edges of the underworld near Tartarus, it was where mother lived.

I entered the massive mansion and was greeted by our servants. I headed straight to the room where we would speak of serious matters. I stood by the doorway, my jaw clenched, so did my first. My wings refused to relax and were hovering. I gulped before holding the handle. I inhaled a breath first before opening the door.

Mother sat at the center, clad in all black with stars littered around her. Seokmin was beside her, his wings also tense. The tension was so evident that one could simply slide a dagger and it would cut it.

A sat at the other side of my mother, I looked at Seokmin to get some answers, but I guess he was as lost as me. I was about to break the silence when my mother spoke.

"I heard the news from down under" she stated. For some reason, there was a chill that ran down my spine. Even my wings seemed to expand, ready to fly away at that instant. Then she continued.

"They plan to do something" mother added and sipped from her tea.

"Pray I tell, what is it?" I found my voice. Mother stared at me, but my gaze was at the wall behind Seokmin.

"They plan on playing with the gods and mortals yet again" she responded.

"How do they plan on doing so when most titans who would most likely do that are imprisoned?" Seokmin asked. Venom was evident in his voice. I wasn't surprised, he was fond of them and guided them in ways he knew.

I looked at my mother and noticed she was looking at me. I might be mistaken but there was a hint of concern in her eyes that was quickly covered with her cold indifference.

"Wonwoo, I called you here to warn you"

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