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3rd POV

The titan lord smiled in his captivity as he realized what was happening. He may not have the goddess Eris in his clutches anymore but there was enough chaos that was happening up now. His little play was now starting to really amuse him. Who would've thought that testing the playing fields would bring so much fun? If death was nowhere to be found, how would the gods take action?

He chuckled even more knowing that his son, Jeonghan, would probably trap the other god of death just to keep it safe. The titan lord's plan was a success, despite being given additional restraints. He has managed to play with his son's feelings which caused the mortals' dilemma. There was still a chance for him to get back at them for what they have done.

Now may not be the time for him to actually take action for his plan, but he was sure, that soon the titans will rise back again. He'd let them have fun, for now, let the kids play and believe everything was well then strike them in the most unexpected moment. That would be a perfect chance for him to rise back again.


Seungcheol has managed to reign his temper from his outburst earlier. He sat at his throne in Olympus thinking. Jeonghan has sent him a message that they now know who the vermin were. He has also managed to know the condition of his daughter; she was safe but harmed. The king of gods fist clenched in anger, remembering the state of his daughter. His mind was running several punishments he could give that bastard, once he was back underworld.

His musings were cut short when Jun arrived in his presence. He noticed that the god's look of worry and cheerful look on his face was absent.

"Lord Seungcheol, there is a problem happening in the mortal realm," Jun said.

"Show me" he commanded, and Jun called upon Iris, the goddess of rainbow and messenger of gods, to show what was happening at the mortal realm.

There was a look of surprise on Cheol's face as he witnessed what was happening. Mortals not being able to die. Then the image shimmered and showed what was happening where Ares was, soldiers continued on fighting despite being considered dead already.

"Impossible..." Seungcheol whispered. The image disappeared and Jun stood there waiting for the god's orders.

"Call on Jisoo and Jeonghan... Include the Olympians! This needs to be solved!" Cheol commanded and with a flash of light Jun was gone.


Seungkwan sat in his abode, blowing unto his reed pipe when a strong gust of wind from the west shuffled his hairs. He looked up and saw the god of west wind's, Hoshi, flying above.

"So, you come here to annoy me again, Hoshi?" Seungkwan called out annoyed at the god flying. Hoshi glared down at him and descended, causing more winds to ruffle the god of wild.

"Wouldn't it be great if that were the case Seungkwan" he responded to the other god with a serious tone. Seungkwan caught up that there was something bad that was happening to put this god in such a mood.

"What happened?" he asked, Hoshi looked at him incredulously and shook his head.

"You seriously don't know? By the river of Styx, you are so slow in the news Seungkwan" Hoshi retorted.

"That's why I'm asking you!" Seungkwan retorted, he was now obviously annoyed with the wind god and looked like minutes away from hitting him.

"Have you Wonwoo lately?" asked Hoshi.

"No, I haven't seen him lately... although there was some news from my satyrs that mortals were having a hard time dying" he answered. Hoshi nodded and started to fly before answering Seungkwan.

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