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Macaria's POV

I was at my mother's garden tending to the various plants my mom had. It was summer and my mother was in the mortal realm now. Dad wasn't even trying to hide how upset he was. He would even annoy me and my siblings. My sister, Melinoe, went as far as staying at her office to avoid him. My brother, Dino , well it wasn't new for him not to be here. So, I was left alone to pacify my father's grumbling.

Then I saw dad walking in the halls, together with a man I was not familiar with. I could only see their backs from where I was. The man faced turned his face to my father and I saw a glimpse of his face. The tiniest bit of smile was evident in his face and I could not help but lean closer to see him. Then there was a sudden jerk that I felt.

I woke up with a start, I looked around my surroundings and remembered that I was at my dad's office. We stayed the night here to help with assisting with the many dead souls we must accommodate. Yesterday's event was still fresh in my mind, together with the headache.

I looked around and realized dad was not there. He was probably fixing things down there. I stood up and stretched my body. I can still remember the way Wonwoo looked yesterday.

Despite the heavy feelings, I felt after collecting those souls, as soon as I saw Wonwoo, I can't help but feel mesmerized by him. Despite being covered in thorns and looking cold, he looked so regal. He looked so well put together. That must be what years of experience look like. I on the other hand looked like a fragile glass waiting to burst. How did he endure those painful head pangs? How did carry all those memories and still look fine? How did he endure all these works all alone all those years?

The door opened revealing my exhausted father. He instantly slumped himself in the coach. I just ruffled his hair and stood up to get him a cup of coffee. As soon as I placed the coffee at the table, dad was already asleep.

I let out a tired sigh and was about to head out when Jun arrived. He was carrying a duffel bag while holding some papers. He looked around and saw dad sleeping.

"There's no waking him up till the next day" Jun sighed and turned his attention towards me. "How are you holding up Macaria?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I'm feeling well Jun, no need to worry," I told him. He didn't seem to buy my excuse but smiled, nonetheless.

"Anyways, I'll just head to Thanatos and give him these since Jeonghan's out," he said.

"I'll go with you, I also need to talk to him," I said and walked out the door together with Jun.

Wonwoo's POV

It was a long and tiring day, after the events yesterday, I still helped in making sure everything was organized. The underworld was big but whenever a war broke out, it was guaranteed to make the place crowded and chaotic. Jeonghan was a good ruler, he always made sure that the underworld functioned well but considering the growing numbers of its population, he needed every help he could get.

The headache was still there, and some memories of the dead were still lingering. My wings were tired from the extensive flying and I could really use some rest. I was about to close my eyes when there was a knock on my door.

I grumbled a few curses before standing up and opening the door. Stood outside were Jun and Macaria.

"Excuse the intrusion~" Jun singsonged as he entered my office. Macaria bowed down before entering.

"What is it?" I asked. Macaria situated herself in a chair not far from my table. While Jun sat at the other chair.

"Paper works, I was about to drop it to Jeonghan but he was already knocked out" Jun explained dropping the parcel. I groaned and rubbed my temple. "I'll just come by here when I'll get them. Bye!" With that Jun went on in a blaze of light. Looking at the paper works was already making my head hurt.

Normally if it was the winter, Persephone would be the one to work on these when Jeonghan was out. Sadly, at the moment she was with her mother as it was Spring currently. Usually, when this happens, I was the next one to fill it up.

I sat down at my table and looked into the paper works, there was a cough and I looked up to see Macaria looking at me.

"Let me help," she said taking half of the papers from me. "I know what to do with these, my mother taught me before," she said as she read the first one. I simply nodded and let her do half.

The room was filled with silence and I didn't mind it. The only thing that could be heard were scribbles of quills and papers being moved. Macaria was laser-focused on her task. I could notice how she would occasionally tilt her head when reading. She would twirl her quill too.

It was weird how I was comfortable working with her despite being used to being alone. It made the job lighter than it was, which was... refreshing.

3rd POV

The two worked together filling out the papers. Although there were times Wonwoo had to leave to check the progress in the underworld and make sure everything was going well.

They were halfway done when Macaria decided to break the silence.

"How do you handle it?" she asked, her eyes not leaving the paper. Wonwoo looked up and stared at her. He removed his binoculars and rubbed the tiredness in his eyes.

"I just got used to it, it doesn't get easier, but you get used to it" he answered playing with his quill. Macaria put down her quill and faced him. She could notice the tired lines in his face which could only be seen up close. His cold eyes were tired and dull. His hair was falling down his face. The cold god of death that she saw yesterday now looked like a tired man in need of rest.

This made Macaria feel guilty, this man endured it all, all alone. Taking it all in and doing his job with no one to help him. Yet here he was still doing it faithfully. There she was already contemplating whether she could do it, survive it, or not.

She picked up her quill and continued to finish the paper in front of her. Wonwoo noticed the way her shoulders sagged and how her eyes dropped.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, I for once thought of just fleeing from my responsibilities but we are gods, and we are tied to the very rules that govern this world. Our jobs will never be easy but with years we learn to navigate them" Wonwoo started looking at her. Macaria raised her head and looked at him. There was a silent understanding between the two gods of death, none spoke another word but the two nodded at each other than continued doing their tasks.


Seokmin was walking towards his brother's office. He knew that Wonwoo would want his help to make him rest. The aftereffects of overusing his powers had a detrimental effect on his brother, which included not having a restful sleep.

There was one time where he jokingly told his brother that he'd make all humans just sleep and never wake up, that way they would have less work to do. They all just laughed it out, but he was slightly being serious about it.

He already visited Jeonghan's office and saw the king was already down. As the good god that he is, he just ensured that the king would dream about his wife, giving him a peaceful sleep.

Seokmin knocked on his brother's door and waited for him to reply. There was no reply. All he heard was silence.

"Strange" he whispered to himself. "Excuse my intrusion," he said before opening the door. To say he was shocked was an understatement. There lay a scene in front of him that he never thought he would see, his brother peacefully asleep. What was even more shocking was a woman also asleep. Their heads were propped on the table on top of paper works that seems to already be finished.

He investigated their dreams and saw both were having peaceful dreams, but he could already see the upcoming nightmares. He approached them slowly and gently touched their heads to protect them from nightmares.

As he touched Macaria's head he was surprised at what he saw in the depths of her dream.

"Goddess of blessed death huh?" he whispered to himself. There was a ghost of a smiled on his face before leaving his brother's office.

"Please watch over my brother, Goddess of blessed death, Macaria" 

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