A Slap Heard Around The World

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I am busy on the treadmill and thinking I have sent a very clear message when a man grabs me from behind and grabs my face and kisses me before my security could get to me. I pull away and slap him senseless. He falls over a piece of equipment and is hurt. He threatens to sue me. I laugh and tell him I was protecting myself from him, after all he assaulted me by grabbing me and kissing me and the cctv footage will prove it. I call the management and have them get the footage and my security has called the police to arrest Chad Rogers. He wouldn't leave me alone and he thought this would change my mind about going out with him. He was very wrong to touch me or any female like this. Now I have to go to court against him and his law suit will go away and I will be suing him instead. Christian Grey asks if I am alright and I tell him my hand hurts, but I need to get the evidence from the gum cameras showing the guy grabbing me along with a list of witnesses against my attacker. My instincts kicks in when I feel a presence behind and it is why I pulled my gun on miss Kavanagh. Plus I am assuring she doesn't come up to me or any my employees like that again. After spending a month in a coma after fighting off an assailant that jumped me from behind I suffer from severe PTSD. My attorney said even though she came on private property and approached me the way she did, she might have gotten a harsher sentence because of her status than she would have if she hadn't been from a wealthy family. The judge apparently didn't like an article she printed about him. Not my fault at all, but it goes to confirm the judges here in Seattle don't play by the rules of justice. My attorney said it would make it better if someone would just give the girl an interview about FFT. I gave it some thought and talked to Jessica Daniels my PR to reach out to Miss Kavanagh and give her an interview about Sunflower and FFT. No giving her my name as the real owner. Chad Rogers was given community service helping in a batters women's shelter. He has to do whatever they want him to do for two hundred hours. He is no longer allowed in the gym after his actions. He tried to contact me, but I refused to have anything to do with him or his attorney. He took what he wanted without regards to my feelings and had no respect for me after being told no many times. If he did that in public, what has he done to a woman in private? That question was answered with the charges being dismissed after the women somehow got a windfall according to Jose'.
I think we can assume he paid them off after he was charged for something he did to them. Don't be alone with this man. File the restraining order, because these kind of guys have to be sent a message. Carry your gun and wear your disguise. You might want to change to another perfume. I would know you anywhere because of your specially blended perfume. It must be nice to be close friends of a perfume manufacturer. Can you get him to create something for me?
Call and get the restraining order and I will ask him to create a cologne for you along with sending me a new perfume. So have you got any dirt for me?
After I give you these details we will both need showers. I believe she might be a pedophile and into BDSM. I suspect she owns several underground clubs. I have people looking into all of this and hopefully we can get her on the pedophile charges. It might take time and money. But it would put a known pedophile behind bars.
I think to the photos of Grey and her in the papers and how intimately she was with him and wonder if he was a victim of hers. Well I just have suspicions and no proof, but I definitely don't want anything to do with any of them. I am glad I don't see them unless we are in the gym together. I will make sure to change the time I go to the gym. I was assured by the manager of the gym that I would not have to go through that again. I had to call my therapist and take a sedative after talking to the police. He tried to get me arrested but witnesses said he assaulted me a kissed me without my permission. Video footage proved his guilt and again the video disappeared from evidence. Luckily we learned our lesson and brought a copy of it. But the judge let the guy off way too easily. The same judge who gave miss Kavanagh 400 hours gave this guy 200 hours of community service. I decided to have his records looked at for handing down verdicts and sentences. Judge Reginald Butler seems to be friends of a certain Elena Lincoln. Makes me wonder if Kate Kavanagh has rubbed him or Elena the wrong way. She's kind of persistent and annoying in her aggressive approach to getting an interview. I might have some questions for miss Kavanagh myself. As I type of my questions the doorbell rings and I see Jose head to the door.
Taylor I am going to speak with our neighbor on the first floor. I think the apartment is owned by Raymond Steele. He joins me and we head to apartment 1A. It was sold very cheaply due to location and it's proximity to the security and business offices. I ring the door bell and a gentleman answers the door and I ask for the young lady that lives there. He tells me to hold on he will get them both.
I tell Anastasia that Christian Grey and what looks like a body guard are waiting outside the door. I go get Ana's body guard Remy James and we all go to talk to mr Grey and his body guard.
Can we help you?
I came to see if you are alright, mind if we come inside?  I introduce myself and Taylor. She still doesn't allow us inside.
We are busy working right now, but thanks for asking if I am okay I appreciate your concern and your statement to the police. For some reason they only gave the guy 200 hours of community service at a battered women's shelter. So I am working hard to find out why he went so easy on my attacker. If you will excuse me please. I shut the door and go back to my computer.
Okay that was just totally rude. She didn't even tell me her name and neither did her friends.
I know that Christian was interested in this young lady the second he saw her in the gym. The attack gave him a reason to approach her at her apartment. She didn't even introduce her or her companions and didn't allow us to even look into her apartment. Most people might invite people inside. I saw all three had sidearms on, who wears guns to answer their doors?

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