Kate Asks The Wrong Thing

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I introduce Anastasia to everyone and we sit down and have so,egging yo drink she has water again. I get our drinks and she checks the water out before drinking it. I hadn't notice her do that before. But everyone has so,etching going on with them.
I checked the water to assure no pills had been dissolved into it and it's very clear. Jack Hyde drugged me like that. Kate noticed me doing it as well as a few others. We are finally ready to leave the dock area and head out into the sound and it's beautiful. It is also a sad reminder of Ray and I put on his beautiful boat. I still have it moored and have it taken out when the weather is good. It's called the Sunflower. No ones put it together and I refuse to sell or Change the name of the boat. I have it checked over every year and have everything updated with the newest technology. I finally meet my new CPOs and find out that Taylor knows them and gave me a thumbs up about hiring them.
Carrick is not someone I could ever forget, I just hadn't remembered his last name until now and now I know that he had helped me so very much when I finally got healthy enough physically and mentally to talk about ,y fathers will and ,y inheritance and then the setting up Sunflower.
There is no doubt Carrick has helped Anastasia in some way, but with Kate Kavanagh here I don't want to talk about anyone's family issues and she will no doubt want to talk about everything she can to do a lot of digging for any kind of dirt on anyone. You would think she could dig a lot more on that so called fiend of mine Elena Lincoln. Hell maybe all the reporters should have questioned her husbands disappearance a lot more they might have solved his murder. They are still trying to ID the other bodies. Mia brought a cop with her. Kate again tries to dig by telling us that he has arrested two women at Escala in the last month. Carrick and I know because he has gave us a heads up about what had actually happened to make sure we aren't caught unaware when we get questioned. Kevin speaks up.
Miss Kavanagh we spoke about this and I told you it is an ongoing case and no one is allowed to talk to you or any press about it. Did you know what obstruction is? Keep it up and you might find out quickly. Ask Carrick Grey to explain it to you.
He is in college to become an attorney. Being a cop is helping him pay for his schooling. He is very smart. I get up and get us both drinks and a plate of food.
I hand Anastasia a plate of food and suddenly the boat shifts and the food falls on her.
I felt it and saw the plate move and wasn't fast enough to move. I had my one and only swim suit under the outfit I had on and the food hit my hair. I am led to a bedroom that has women's bikinis and cover ups. Christian explains they are new and are for guests, but most guests have their own suits. I shower and wash my hair and put on the most modest of bikinis. Then get the cover up and put my shoes back on. Christian came is just before I put my cover up on. He notice the marks on my stomach and doesn't ask me about them. I hide and finish covering up. And he leads me out and hands me a new plate of food. He puts my clothes in a small washer near the kitchen and we sit and eat. I can't answer how I got the marks, but I know Hyde had a hand in them being on me. Considering it's his name carved across my stomach.
I saw letters carved into her flash and saw the tears start, so I left my questions to a time when she felt comfortable enough to talk to me about it. I know she has had a very bad event in her life, but she won't open up at all.
We walk up and I hear Kate Kavanagh again trying to meddle into my background. Well I am so sick of her doing this so I let her have it with everything I know. Miss Kavanagh you have been told to stop meddling in my past time and time again, so let's see how you feel about me telling everyone about you getting pregnant by the COO of Kavanagh Media and his wife committing suicide and you were just having fun with the man. Where is the baby you all ask, well let's see, remember she was supposedly in Barbados. She wasn't her cousin adopted the baby girl. Don't you have something to say about blackmailing your father after finding him cheating on your mother. And your poor mother needs to get Carrick to file divorce proceedings against him before he goes through all their. Obey buying you and his trollops fancy home#, cars, clothes and jewelry. Don't get me started on how you got your college degree. I have an excellent PI. Christian you should have him tell you what he has on someone on your payroll and soon. One of your employees are in cont t with ,Sri Lincoln and they are siphoning cash out of GEH. He just found out last night. The guy was bragging about it all at a local watering hole. Call this guy and he can tell who and how. Mia
Kevin is son of one of my fathers long time  military buddies and his father has taught him very well and his mother is the salt of the earth. You couldn't ask for a nice man.
How did she know all of that, I could get to her to shut her up, bodyguards surrounded her. Elliott won't talk to me and pretty much no one wants to do anything with me after all that. I can deny it all I want, but it's all true.
I think that Kate helped hammer a nail into this trips coffin. I don't blame Anastasia for letting her have it with both barrels, then I think what does Anastasia know about me exactly?

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