Sunflower Rests Easier

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I am glad I was able to do everything and keep my identity unknown. My attacker was put in prison after being retried for the rapes and the attack on me. Law suits against the judges, police and other give me t officials had heads rolling even though they weren't involved they were in charge when it was happening and turned a blind eye to it all. Jose is assisting on the cases to assure everything is kept on the up and up. I want this to end right unlike what happened when my father died when he saved my life after the guy attacked me. The guy had influence and money and thought he could do anything. He lied in court and my only witness was dead from injuries he suffered in the attack and because of my coma they said my memories weren't reliable. So he got off by having an alibi. Evidence was lost that would put him in jail for life. I made sure he was no longer here in Seattle when I moved back here. Jack Hyde had a long history of being charged and evidence conveniently disappeared. I swore that I would make sure he would serve time for the next thing he did. I was too late, the next girl her tried what he tried with me was Leila Williams and she unknown to him had escaped a mental institution. She had been in and out of them and escaped easily from them. Well I can only imagine what he went through when she started her meticulous chopping off body parts. They never did find his penis. That part made the newspaper. It didn't make up for my dad dying from saving me, but I smile a tiny bit that a petite brunette ended up killing him.
I watch Anastasia as I tell her the news about Jack Hyde and how he was killed and by a petite brunette. She especially laughed when I told her about him being chopped up and one part of his body was missing and what part it was. I informed her he was positively identified by dental records and DNA tests just assure it was him.
I have tried to avoid all press since Elena was arrested and the charges just keep mounting against her. She has tried to get in touch with me, but I refuse all calls and my PR staff have been very busy telling people I had nothing to do with her after finding out what she had been doing. We merely had a business arrange and now we don't any longer. I just wonder how and why I and my family ended up invited to that invitation only thing for FFS. Whoever invited us knew a lot about us and I don't like that idea. Taylor said he can't track down the actual FFS company that arranged the dinner. There are no records for that company at all. Welch and Barney can't figure it out either. Dad and my attorney have told me that they can't use my photos or videos or anything else in the trials unless I give them permission to do so. So we filed documents to try to retrieve everything she had with me or my name on it. Because I have can't be a part of the trial they can't use it anyway.
I got a strange letter in the mail today, it contained a photo of a Sunflower and nothing else. No return address, it had an odd stamp on it and I checked it out. I have not been having the best time of it in here. Christian won't help me and he is refusing all contact with him. I have a black eye and a bruised stomach from a so called accident. The news about me hasn't stopped and victims are still coming forward and making the news. My attorney isn't getting paid since my accounts were all frozen and all my assets are being sold to compensate all my victims. They are all suing me and the lists is getting bigger. I have been appointed a public defender. She is insisting that I plead guilty. I won't do that. I ask that pd have me moved to a better jail. I think a white collar prison.
Public Defender Arlene Johnson
A better jail and she even insist on being placed in a white collar prison. I choked back my laughter and told her the crimes she's been accused of and found guilty of some already is far too bad to place her in any other prison. I explain that she might as well get used to being in this prison. She gets mad and insist someone else represent her. I explain that I am her last resort unless she wants a new hire in our office. She asks for the new hire. Fred Roberts just passed his bar exam. I told her, that hers would be his first case. I call and set it up after telling my boss that Elena Lincoln is asking for someone other than me to represent her and the only available is Fred Roberts and he laughs and tells me to transfer all the records over to him and let him defend her. We both laugh and think about the tornado of clumsiness she is going to meet.
Public Defender Fred Roberts
I tell my wife I got my first case finally and I have to go talk to my client and look over the files and should be home a bit later than usual.
Lisa Roberts
I knew Fred. Ishtar have to work long hours on cases, but we just got settled here in Seattle. Our son is just about to become one years old and walking everywhere. I am being run ragged by trying to get everything unpacked and set up. Andy is walking and getting into everything imaginable. We had to find a pediatrician and I found a gyn. Dr Grey and Dr Greene have offices located in the nearby hospital. Which makes my life easier and easier to find them.
I watch as the news reports on everything they can get from sources regarding more victims and more charges being filed against Elena Lincoln. I feel better and my invitations for FFT can resume. I decided after this fiasco that I would open all my restaurants to everyone. We would still help the homeless and less fortunate by assuring we help feed them at least four times a week. Mostly healthy food.

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