A Shocking Change

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I bump into Anastasia and barely recognize her, she's lost a lot of weight. No ones been watching out for her health. I invite her to lunch and dinner and tell her she needs to eat more and now. She's skin and bones. I can't have her wasting away to nothing. I grab her hand and her CPO follows us to my apartment and Gail gasps as she sees her and she starts getting food ready for us. She makes milk shakes and a thing that will fatten Anastasia up and quickly.
I was invited to lunch with Christian and find he has a guest. She looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks. I haven't met this young lady yet, but she seems very familiar to me. I ask if she has a brother that is about her height and coloring?
No I don't have any family at all. I nibble on what they have sat in front of me. I just can't eat much at all. Grace insists I eat more food and gives me some more food. Gail tries to feed me more food. Even my favorite pie. I accept a tiny piece, but they give me a big piece of pie. My  CPO is eating as well and is telling me, her  boss that if  I don't  eat I won't be able to defend myself or run on the treadmill downstairs. I get a full tummy and stop.
You should come to dinner tonight. Christian can bring you tonight. Her CPO hands her something and a glass of water and Anastasia resist at first then reminds her of what her drs have said to her about hospitalization. Anastasia immediately takes the pills.
CPO Lisa Daniels
I can see why women drool over Christian and I think I will make a play for him when I am off duty. I have access to the gym and I know he works out there. I give Anastasia her pills as per instructed. She looks at them to verify they are the prescriptions dr Greene gave her. She is a bit paranoid about taking pills from anyone. Normally Debra would be here, but she wanted a week off for vacation with Elliott Grey. Of course Anastasia gave it to her without a second thought. I was kind of angry about the special treatment she gave Debra until I found out Debra is my boss and has been with Anastasia before she had body guards.
I get a strange vibe from her CPO and unsure what that's all about, but I invite Anastasia to come to dinner, but to come alone. Her CPO tried to talk her out of coming alone, but I reminded her that Taylor and Gail would be here. So she agreed to come alone.
I agreed to come to dinner without my CPO and Lisa tried to insist on joining us and I finally said a firm no and told her to take the night off. Christian comes to my apartment and leads me up to his place to have a quiet dinner. I normally wouldn't, but I decide he handled the situation with two of my employees quite decently. Lisa was making him uncomfortable by flirting with him. She will be transferred soon, her job requires more than what she does. Debra was an exception, plus security was keeping an out. But when you make your boss uncomfortable and her  companions then you aren't looking out for them. Discussing my vitamins like they were drugs I was prescribed is a huge issue. She deliberately brought my vitamins out to embarrass me.
Dinner went very well with Anastasia and she ate everything on her plate. She explained that she only drinks water with her meals. We laugh about Elliott and how he and Debra seem to have hit it off immediately. I told her he usually plays the field and then she asks me if I do that as well? I tell her I didn't start really dating the same person until lately.
He really doesn't really clarify what his dating or lack of dating means. It's ambiguous for the most part and I just let it go for now. We talked a while and I needed to get to sleep, because my day is going to busy yet again.
The next morning, Lisa has left to workout at the gym before I could talk to her about the transfer to the project to protect the COO.
I grab my sexiest workout garb and gum bag along with one very revealing outfit to change into from the showers.
I wait for mr Grey and we head to the gym with our gym bags and a change of clothing and towels for our workouts. Not many get up at five in the morning to workout, but we do.
I am in my gym clothes and so is Taylor, we both have a change of attire for the day. It's the weekend and I have plans. I am on the treadmill beside Taylor when we both notice miss Daniels arrive and position herself in front us. She walks over an says hello and winks at me then she goes to the mats in front of us to do yoga. I shake my heads as she does different poses that she thinks makes her show off her best assets. Taylor chuckles softly and while she is not looking we head to the punching bags. How obvious is she being?
I think you have another admirer and it's very obvious.
These women don't realize that throwing themselves at me doesn't work. Plus I have seen better bodies doing those positions. Taylor and I punch the bags for a half hour and miss Daniels comes up behind me and asks me to have dinner with her.
Lisa Daniels
I notice Christian is at the punching bags and I ask him to join me for supper. He tells me he has plans. Taylor and him head to the showers. Hmm I grab my bag as well and give them enough time to undress and get in the showers. I pull my hoodie up and slip inside and find Christian.
I get my towel, washcloth, shampoo and soap and wrap my towel around my waist and lock my things in my locker. Looks like speedy Taylor has already went into the showers. I open the shower door and start soaping up and suddenly I feel hands on my manhood. I grab the hands and call for Taylor. Miss Daniels is naked and has grabbed my private parts. I think this constitutes attempted rape. The least it is, is sexual assault. Taylor calls the cops fire grabbing her and handcuffing her. The showers are filling up with people I finish my shower as I wait for the police to arrive.
I luckily got my shower quickly and heard mr Grey yelling and find miss Daniels grabbing at him in his shower. He has a towel around his private area and she's nude. The soap is still on his body. I call for Ryan as backup and have him call miss Steele and have her join us in the gym. I have him explain it's urgent. Then we call building security and then the cops. Since miss Steele has been here we have had more police calls in all the time we have been here. I get a huge towel and cuff miss Daniels to the shower bar. I turn the cold water on her. Mr Grey grabs his things and moves to a different shower stall. I guard the shower stall door and make sure he can get dressed. Sorry mr Grey I should have foresaw this attack.
5hey won't need to finger print me will they? Lol.
Ryan and building security, the police and miss Steele is on her way.
I call my attorney and have him meet me at the Escala gym and explain what I do know. Lisa just lost her job.

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