Boatful OF Secrets

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Thomas Sawyer CPO
I was hired along with my girlfriend Alexi Grant, we are both CPOs and are trying to stay in the same city at least and when this job came up we took it. We keep our relationship private and not a few friends know that we are getting married soon.
Alexi Grant CPO
Thomas and I met while guarding a high profile in Las Vegas and we got several other jobs and landed in Seattle finally. Hopefully we can build a good life here and maybe get married and have a few babies. We just need to build up a nice nest egg before that happens and we have a nice couple of savings accounts and investments. We have a parcel of land near the sound and haven't started building yet. We just a call for us to dress in casual wear with life jackets and comes armed and bullet proof vests. I get the call just after Thomas gets his call. We had no idea we would be needed so quickly. We just know we are guarding a miss Steele. We were hired by Jose Rodriguez and he told us we would be on call and if everything worked out well we would become permanent and be guarding a very private young lady. That's all we got information wise.
I head down to pick up Anastasia and Gail, Taylor, Ryan, And Lewis are joining us. I know I on the door and a man and woman wearing gins are standing there and I am surprised until Taylor shakes their hands he knows them both. Thomas Sawyer and Alexi Grant both are miss Steele's CPOs. I guess Taylor knows them very well he congratulated them on their engagement. Whew glad to her that they are engaged.
I give Christian a heads up about Kate joining us on the boat. I told him that she can't repeat anything she hears on the boat and even got her to sign and NDA and am bringing it so he can have it. Plus a few extra just in case. I learned my lesson well after I screwed up and brought a date that failed to mention she had a huge Grey family blog. Boy did she get a huge following and photos. I told Kate that if she uses anything she has heard from me or family and their friends, she will be history no matter how I feel about her. I think I got through to her.
I have three coolers with enough to feed the army if people that will be on board the boat. The staff mr Grey hires to cater, barely has enough to feed these big men they have on board. They bring food enough to feed super models. I definitely am not a supermodel, but who is really? Air brushing and all that makeup, it's hard to tell what they really look like in person. I like being healthy and Jason likes me healthy. I might not wear a size zero, but I look damn good in a size six if I do say so myself. Mr Grey has gifted me some pretty nice things to wear. Plus some nice gift cards and jewelry. Some were pieces his ex subs left behind because they wanted something else. I have very expensive pieces because they didn't have enough diamonds in the item or they didn't like it at all. He just handed the piece to Jason and Jason brought it and asked if I wanted it. I look bed mr Grey's taste. It was simple and elegant at the same time and cost three times the amount of the tacky piece the girl asked for. All I can say is more Grey is generous and I am so glad he has stopped with those stupid submissive women. I like miss Steele and I can see that she's been hurt badly. When I brought up her father she burst into tears and had to leave. We bumped into each other at the grocery store. Debra her CPO helped her to the car and I didn't see them for two weeks. She had lost weight and barely able to walk when I saw her next time. Debra came and spoke to me about not asking Anastasia about her father. She told me the story after asking Anastasia if she could. I couldn't stop crying after hearing it either. I read about the case. She asked me to never tell anyone about it. Finally we all arrive and the guys grab the coolers and head to the boat. I see Thomas and Alexi and wave, it looks like they are joining us.
I warn everyone that Kate Kavanagh is joining us on the boat and she has signed and NDA. I see Anastasia cringe and tells her CPOs to keep an eye her.
A reported is always a reported even in their sleep. She says that she knows about people digging into things they should leave alone, because peoples painful experiences should not make headlines.
I had been watching the young lady that Christian brought and the more I look at her the more I realized who she really is and I can't tell anyone about what she's been using her inheritance for and that she is Sunflower. I know this because I helped her with the complete set up. She wanted anonymity and untraceable to her in anyway. It took a lot of work and help to set it all up. She looks pretty frail at this point. I think I saw her when we found out all about Elena being a pedophile at the invitation only dinner. Of course Christian was very curious and wanted to find out why all the secrecy and it caused some real damage and big changes for all of us. Grace couldn't believe she ever trusted Elena and how she was duped by her and how we finally got the truth out of Christian and Elliott. Elliott didn't follow her like Christian did. Christian ended all ties with her and destroyed his red room and swore he would never do anything like that again.
You look like you know Anastasia Carrick? Do you know her?
We have met before, but I am not at liberty to say how or why or when. All I can sue is that the young lady has gone through hell.
We arrive as Mia and her date Kevin Donaldson a cop arrives at the same time.
I introduce Kevin to Kate and Elliott.
Wait aren't you the coo who made the two arrests at Escala lately?
I can't discuss anything about those situation because it is an ongoing case.
I also think this is not the time or place to start writing a story Kate. Hope she doesn't start digging into this. I met Kevin when I was in the gym and exercising the and the woman sexually assaulted Christian in the men's showers. I had just arrived as he entered the men's locker room and saw the woman head to the locker rooms, had I known where she was going I might have taken her out myself. Then I found out she was a CPO and was very well trained I knew she could take me out. Kevin interviewed me and we hit it off and he asked me to give him a call for coffee or dinner whatever I chose. He is a good person. He was hired after some corrupt cops were fired and jailed.
I signed an NDA and can't report anything at all I hear today.
Hmm we will see about that.

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