New Year New Life

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Elliott and I got married shortly after we got back together and Kate wasn't lying the baby is definitely his baby. We not only got one baby boy we got a baby girl as well. Kate had twins and a major C section. Apparently because she was the worst drive on the planet she ended up in a wreck that caused her to have emergency surgery and the twins were thank God safely born, due to some fast thinking of the EMTs. Dr Greene had to do a total hysterectomy on Kate due to mass blood loss. Her mother and brother came and of course we allowed them to see the babies and they knew Kate had given them up for adoption to us. I liked Enid, but Ethan is another matter I don't know him enough to trust him, but he treats his mother good unlike Kate and her husband Eamon. Eamon walked in with some woman on his arm that looked like a teeny bopper with teeny clothing on. She started flirting with Elliott and then Christian and finally Ethan told her to have some decorum. That might have worked if she had known what he meant by it. I watch as Christian tries to get Anastasia to pay attention to him. She's is congratulating me and Elliott. My wedding was perfect and in her backyard. She kept a a low profile and made sure she and Christian never came close to one another. Here is a place she can't hide from him. Carrick has tried to be a go between and she said he made his choice and that's how it will stay. It won't be long before she announces that she is Sunflower and our security teams are being gathered to protect her after it's announced.
I duck Eamon's teenybopper and so do Elliott and Ethan. I watch as Debra and Elliott look at their newborn twins. One is name Theodore Raymond Grey, Theodore after our grandfather and Raymond after Anastasia Anastasias father. She holds both baby's and they names the girl Grace Ana Grey after mom and Anastasia. She is so thrilled for Elliott and Na Debra. She hands Debra something and she opens it up and nods and then cries and whispers that she will make sure that she gives Kate the note and then I hear Debra tells her thank you for the land.
Then she just leaves without saying a word to me at all. Christmas Day after all people should forgive shouldn't they? Well I guess that's it for me. I head out as well.
I give Elliott the land he has been trying to buy for a new home since he found out he was truly going to be a father. He got two with one shot. The one good thing after the babies being born healthy, however Kate had to have a total hysterectomy. After knowing what I know about Kate and how dr Greene didn't care for her at all it makes me wonder if she decided to assure Kate can't have more innocent babies. But hey after her strange behavior with me I changed Gyns and found someone who was very nice. So nice in fact I offered her a place at the Steele Sunflower when we opened up. We open it up January first and I give Kate her interview just before we open it up and she has signed both babies over to Elliott and terminates all her rights to both babies. I knew she would. I made two people very happy today. Ray would love this. I get this cold chill up my neck and check for my CPO and don't see him or any of them. I get a text and it says Hyde Escaped.
I call security and ask for help. Before I could explain I am grabbed and I kick and scream and try to reach my gun. I kick and kick and kick. It turns out it's Christian and he was just trying to talk to me. I panic and tell him Hyde is here in the hospital and he has no idea what I am talking about. Security has arrived, but something is off about one of them. I pull my gun out and tell Hyde to get on the floor. Suddenly we are surrounded by policemen. Hyde has found me and he killed my CPOs along with a security guard. The blood is why I knew the difference between him and the other guards. I wasn't alerted until now about him escaping from prison. No one realized he had switched with a man that looked just like him size and everything. I had to be sedated.
I see the damage Anastasia did to Christian after he grabbed her from behind and then she pulled her gun out and made Hyde lie face down on the floor. She noticed the blood on his black uniform that no one else had. She was hysterical.
I had Anastasia admitted Ned had to sedate her and when I saw her scars I cried for her this Hyde guy carved his name into her in serval places. Omg who does this to anyone.
Grace please don't put that in her medical reports, I am begging you not to and please don't tell anyone about it. You have no idea what hard that man did to her. Her father saved her life as she was dying and he breathed his last breath not knowing if she would make it. I am begging you.
I hold my new daughter in law and promise I won't tell anyone else. Anastasia has again lost a lot of weight. She eats, she isn't bulimic. She just works all the time is all. Debra said she is going to rest soon. She just needs to do a few more things is all. I tell Debra I have to draw blood work and do some more tests because even hard work doesn't cause this kind of weight loss if she's eating right.

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