The Interview

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Anastasia had to have an iron IV and a potassium IV and gain ten pounds before they will allow her to leave the hospital. I had to have someone bring in equipment to do the interview with Kate Kavanagh and then we set up the opening events speech for the Steele Sunflower. Elliott is now very aware of who owns the Sunflower company. Christian sneaks in to sit with Anastasia while she sleeps. I doubt she would allow him in there otherwise.
We got everything done and we found out that Elena was behind Hyde's escape. Christian got everything back and he had his employee arrested and fired at the same time. Hyde is now paralyzed, he had an accident on the way back to prison. One of the other prisoners was brother to the guard he killed. I heard the story, but it was beyond wild. Somehow Hyde fell in such a way her became a quadriplegic. The doctors have checked and rechecked to make sure he isn't faking.
After everything Kate asked me all kinds of questions and didn't like when I wouldn't tell her about what happened with Hyde. Debra stepped in and gave her what she knew of the circumstances. We finally have to end the interview and telecast the opening of the Steele Sunflower building. Kate has already had the the interview televised with everything she recorded  and finally I come on the screen and they are stunned about the fact that a 25 year old has done all of this and kept her identity hidden all this time. I show them my goofy disguises and then they realize I have been doing a lot and I put Elena Lincoln behind bars. I tell them that my dad wanted this for Seattle and once we get going we are going to recommend them around the world. I can't tell them I now have a way to help prevent people like Elena to take advantage of a broken system with broken people. It would defeat the purposes of this place. Elliott smiles as he enters with his two munchkins and he brings them into the line of the camera. I allow Debra to take over and Enid comes into view and let's everyone know she is the new COO and will be handling things for now.
Enid Kavanagh
I am thrilled about being here and working for a better world for the less fortunate of our world. This is a blessing born out of adversity and death. Miss Anastasia Sunflower Steele worked hard to bring us so much and she did it out of love for her dead father. As everything might know my daughter did the interview and a lot went live and some of miss Steeles story had to be told by a dear friend of hers, who was there at the time and got the story from a dying man Raymond Steele.
I have to see Anastasia and I hope she allows me to apologize to her and we can start all over again. I see Debra and Elliott walking out of the room and they have their twins with them. I walk in and Anastasia is packing her things up and is not aware of me being in the room. Thomas Sawyer and Alexi his wife comes inside and that's when Anastasia notices others are in the room. Mom arrives and hands Anastasia papers and pills. She explains everything quietly and tells her to rest and eat.
Oh I plan on taking a year off. I deserve it.
Debra told me what you did for her and Elliott. Carrick is making sure it's air tight. Enid is doing great things for Sunflower.
Dad always liked her and wanted better than Eamon for her. She's a force of nature. What's very sad is that Debra is Eamon's daughter and he  never acknowledged her. My dad took her in when her mother died. She did so much for us Grace. I gave her half of everything and she refused it. It's all in a trust fund for her and her family. The one she's creating with Elliott. Kate has what she wants and Elliott has who he wanted and his babies. I think I made the best deal for all concerned.
I am very proud to know you Anastasia. I am proud of Debra as well. Where will you go from here.
I have an issue with a few of my people thinking they are the owners of my company. Now that my name is disclosed as the true owner, I have to go fire a bunch of thieves. I am armed with a huge team to go in and clean out the rotten apples. Christian is there something wrong, has another of my employees tried to sexually assault you again? Jose is still helping you out right?
I just need to apologize to you for avoiding you after what happened on the boat.
Apology accepted, by Grace have fun being a grandma. Goodbye Christian good luck with your women friends. Especially the one who has texted me death threats. Let's go Alexi and Thomas. We don't have much time to get to our destination.
What are you talking about death threats?
I sent them to you, but you blocked me from contacting you.
I tell her I am so sorry, but she says you made your point.
Now let me make my point. The person who threatened me is following you and me around and knew exactly where we were at all times. She comes near me my security has filed a complaint against Leila Williams and I will shoot her between the eyes. Wonder why I don't eat and keep ending in the hospital I get threats like this and they all seem to be someone who is in love with you. I can't deal with this right now. I filed a restraining order against her and she still got into my hospital room.

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