Elena Lincoln Gets Invited

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We have regrouped on the invitations, but we FFTS Food For The Snobs. We only use the first letters of course. Elena Lincoln and her pocketed Judges and government officials along with others she has in her pockets are all invited. My chefs have been made aware of the kind of people we are feeding and they are told to make the food beyond delicious. So delicious that they crave more of the food. We have everything ready to serve our customers because they have a menu to choose from before they arrive we charge them according to income. Like FFT if they have no income they pay nothing at all. We supply shoes and shirts for the homeless we invited to join the snobs. We intermix them. Of course they are allowed to choose clothing and are showered. I explain that if anyone bothers them to let us know. I have Elena surrounded by homeless people. The government officials are surrounded by people who the judges found guilty when they weren't guilty. Then we found several of Elenas victims and placed them close to my security for their safety. Their parents have no idea what Elena has done to them, but tonight everything will hopefully change. The media namely miss Kavanagh and some of her paparazzi friends are here as well. We can hold 500 safely. Christian Grey and his family were invited as well. Jose finally got the goods on Elena and her minions. He has a presentation he will show in the middle of our fantastic meals.
I ask Anastasia if she's sure she wants to do this? She says she's been waiting a long time to destroy this woman and her minions and it's time. Her victims should be able to watch her destruction along with her minions. I set everything up and it begins showing a young man talking to Elena and she hurts him. What she says to him after that proves she has been having sex with him and he is 13. We hear gasps and his parents sobbing as it continues with another boy talking about what she did to him and it keeps going and then she tells them each they can't do a thing about since she named judges and police and other officials in her pocket and she goes on to threaten each of the children's parents and other family members. At this point police we know are the good guys arrest her then arrests are made throughout the dinner. I watch as the Grey family are allowed to leave with Christian Grey holding his mother up as she is sobbing.
A lot of tearful parents are pressing charges against Elena. Her arrest is going to make huge news along with the arrests of the judges and corrupt policemen and officials. Kate Kavanagh hurries up to Jose to get a copy of what he can give her. He hands her a full copy and a full report like I told him to. He is to give the others the same and watch who will print it. The ones who don't are corrupt as well.
The responses to people pressing charges against Elena for molesting young boys had more males coming forward to press charges against her. Because of all the claims they searched her home and found all kinds of photos and blackmail material that had some nervous about being found out about being exposed. So they came forward to turn evidence against her as well.
Christian Grey
I had my attorneys try to assure the photos they found of me and Elena intercepted and asked they not be us3d as part of the court cases. My family now know what Elena has been holding over me all this time and what she had done to me. I am no longer being supplied with my submissives, because the judge won't allow Elena out on bail. Whoever the owner of the FFS has brought to light more than just Elenas BDSM lifestyle she had been operating a human trafficking ring as well. They froze all her accounts and found several accounts to banks overseas. I gave my word to my family I would sell off my shares in her salons and have her loans called in at once and no longer have any contact with her. Apparently the FFS had uncovered a lot and some evidence could be used in court and some just pointed the police in the right directions. They found 300 people in a ships cargo hold all being kept hostage. All needing treated for trauma or injuries. They were being shipped out of the country. All were listed as missing across the USA. The FBI finally came into the case. We still don't know who Sunflower is, but they figure it doesn't matter as long as they cleaned a lot of corruption in the law enforcement agencies and other government officials. A lot of people are serving time and innocent people are being released and one guy in particular had his rape cases re examined and he was retried immediately. He's serving a lot more 200 hours for community service now. Kate Kavenaugh had her hours lowered to 100 community service hours. The judge was asked to retire at once. They are reviewing all his cases to see if he should be charged and if the charges will stick. I was able to get my photos and negatives along with any other files on me from the case with help from my dad and a very good friend who somehow erased any and all computer files Elena had on me. We still don't know who did it, but we aren't going to worry until it's something to worry about. I decided it's time to get out of the BDSM style of having sex and had my red room taken out of my apartment. Mom has sent me to a new therapist who works on all kinds of traumas and is willing to work with me on mine. Mom was very upset at what happened to me and felt she failed me tremendously and wants to be involved in my therapy along with the rest of my family. They love me more than I could have imagined and here Elena had me believing all her bs all this time.
I have stopped looking into who owns Sunflower and applaud them for uncovering a true villain by not only inviting them to a by invitation only meals, but they had to foot the bill for themselves, their victims and their families, and all the press that they knew would print everything and televise it all. Of course we got a great meal and a great story that we all had no problem writing and it all hit the front pages of every newspapers and they brought in tv remotes to televise the meals and the videos from start to finish. I always hated Elena Lincoln. It turned out that she was also found guilty of killing her so called missing husband. They found his body buried on his shipyard property. That was not the only body they found. So as far as I am concerned Sunflower rescued Seattle from a true monster and is a hero.

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