chapter seven.

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*ring ring ring*
i wake up to my alarm and i slowly sit up. i get out of bed and instantly walk to the bathroom.

i turn on the shower and then begin undressing.

after i undress i step into the shower and start to wash my hair.

today my classes are potions and history of magic but i have astronomy later tonight.

i finish washing my body and i grab a towel.

i dry myself off and walk to my wardrobe.

i pick out another skirt, it's really dark green and it sits at about just above mid thigh. i put on fishnets before the skirt.

i get a white button up shirt and my slytherin robes.

i get dressed and then start doing my makeup.

i put on some eyeliner, mascara, tinted lipgloss, and i did my eyebrows.

then i do my hair. i have naturally wavy hair, it's not super curly but it's not straight either. i put it up in a bun using a pencil.

i put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and headed to the great hall.

i sat down next to george and fred at the gryfindor table.

"there she is. we missed you love." fred says as he pulls me into a hug.

"i missed you too freddie." i say.

"so what's up with you and malfoy?" george asks

"nothing is happening. we had a few moments but that's all. i hate him." i scoff

"so thats why you were hanging out with cedric diggory, isn't it?"

"how did you know i was with cedric?"

"thin walls love. we heard you two chatting for hours." george rolls his eyes.

"why were you in the slytherin girls dormitories?" i ask

"uh. we can explain-" fred butts in.

"no need. i think i get it." i laugh.

i continue talking to fred as i feel an arm pull me up.

i quickly look to see who it is as i'm being led out of the great hall.

"pansy?" i say

she pulls me into an empty hallway.

"what's up with you?" she asks

"what do you mean?"

"you've been sitting anywhere but with us, you didn't come to blaises dorm, and you haven't talked to any of us in 2 days." she explains.

"i'm sorry i've been distant i really don't mean to." i say

"what happened?" she steps closer to me and i back up, causing my back to hit the wall.

i look down at my feet.

"nothing happened pansy." i mutter

she lifts my head up by my chin, making me look up at her.

"tell me what happened. why haven't you been talking to us ?" she asks

"draco said something the other day and it pissed me off. that's all"

"what did he say? and i thought you already hated him?"

"i did hate him. i do hate him. he told blaise we were just friends after we slept together."

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