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We drove through Whitechapel in the white convertible, I love the way the wind blew around me. We weren't too far away from the house. We were in a small nice neighborhood with big houses. The American dream. I laughed at myself. I'm so used to the states sometimes I forget I'm in Canada. We turned on a street Orchard Park. No far down the street, Raken pulled in front of a house with a big white porch. It was nice. Raken turned off the car and got out. He walked around opening my door for me. "thank you" I said as I got my things and got out. I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head and followed Raken.

We walked up to the house and to my surprise Raken just walked inside. I was hesitant. "Well come in," he said sarcastically. I did as I was told. We walked into a small library type of room. "Evelyn, we have arrived". Raken called out. "welcome!" A voice cheered. I turned around. Behind us was an old lady with short curly grey hair. "you must be (y/n)" she smiled grabbing my hand. "-ive been waiting a long time to meet you". she finished. she turned to Raken. "Raken dear, would you leave us girls to talk?" she asked politely. Raken shot me a look as if asking if it was okay. I nodded. "page me when I'm needed," he said with his thick southern accent coming through. He walked back out the door.

"come, sit next to me Hunny. ". she said patting on the spot next to her. I did as I was told. she turned to face me. her soft wrinkled hands pulled down my hood and caressed my cheeks. I felt weird "w-what are you doing?". my stomach turned. I grabbed his hands and pulled them away. "it is okay (y/n), I am just texting your magick. I simply take some of mine and pass it through you as if we are a circuit. I just want to see how powerful you are. " she explained. I didn't like the sound of this. "I don't want to hurt you, mam. I don't know how to control the other side and I've already had one breakdown today.". I was very uncomfortable. she got up. "come on follow me." she said. I followed her and we walked into a basement. she turned on a light and grabbed an old chest. we walked back to the library room we were in before and sat back down on.

she sat the chest on her lap and opened it. First, she pulled out an old book, then a photo album. "these were your mothers." she explained. "you knew my mother?" I asked. "yes and your father, I knew them both very well, I was a guide of sorts to your mother. she was very smart, strong, but troubled, just like yourself.". she opened the photo album and handed to me. "these were your mothers teen years, and even a couple of photos from when she was pregnant with you.". i flipped through them as she continued to speak. "she tried so hard to prevent the rest of your family from killing you, we all did, I just want to help you (y/n). i want to protect you and teach you as I did with your mother.". she grabbed my hand, and I truly believed her. i handed the album back and she put the things in the chest. "can I have those?" I asked. "of course you can, they were always yours, I just need you to promise me something before I give them to you. ". she sounded very serious. "yes, what is it?". i said giving her my full attention. "do not tell Raken or anyone in your family about this being in your possession.". I was shocked. why couldn't I tell Raken? I told him everything. "but, why?" I asked. "all of your questions will be answered in do time, just know you are closer to finding out everything you've always needed to know. I will tell you this, you may be half-demon, but you are not evil, you are quite the opposite.".

I didn't know what to think this was so much to take in. "What am I supposed to do now that I know all of this!?". I exclaimed. "You stay strong and you stay in touch with me.". She explained. "-now open a Portal and set these things in your room.". She said handing me back the chest. I got up and opened a glass portal. It swirled open revealing my bedroom on the other side. I quickly walked threw and sat the chest under a pile of clothes in my closet. I walked back threw and the portal shattered. "Relca.". I whispered. The shards were gone. I looked back over to Evelyn. She looked almost taken back. "did I do something?" I asked. "No. Yes. Well nothing bad. Just I've never opened a mirror portal and most casters can't master something like that. Tell me, why not use a prism Crystal to portal?". She questioned. "Well honestly, I get motion sickness and the prism portal always makes me sick so I learned out to cast mirror portals and just find them more convenient." I explained. "How long did it take you to learn how to cast them?". She asked. "A month. I worked so hard. One time I was so upset and tried to cast a Portal and it transported me into the ocean." I laughed. She smiled. "You're going to be very powerful, you are very powerful. I'm very happy to guide you.". She said grabbing my hand.

"Can we please finish the Magick test?". She asked. I was hesitant. But I shook my head. She grabbed my hands and we both steadied our breathing. Are hands slowly fell apart and only our finger tips were touching. I felt a rush of electrolytes Travel threw my spine. I opened my eyes and slowly pulled my finger tips away from Evelyn's and a small arch of electricity followed from my fingers to hers. "Very interesting" she said. She put her hands down. The arch was broken. "What does that mean?" I asked. "well your Magick current perfectly held stable and we passed our Magick threw each other." She explained. "-you are very strong. You will do great things" she finished.

"You and Raken should get going, my grandson will be home soon.". She said getting up. "thank you for this Evelyn." I said ask I wrapped her into a hug. She hugged back. "I will always be here to guide you.". Raken walked into the room. "All done here ladies?" He asked. I nodded and followed him out to the car. As I walked out to the car I seen a familiar face walking up the lawn. We passed by each other swiftly "(y/n)?" "Benny". He walked in the house and I walked to the car. Raken opened the door for me and I got in. We drove back to Ravenwood manner.

Benny's POV

After school I began to walk home. Ethan was supposed to come with me but of course he wanted to go home and hang out with Sarah. They're probably canoodling. Ew. I started to think about school. It was pretty cool. In gym I made Magick stink bomb go off in the girls locker room and it was hilarious. I did notice that (Y/N) had left. She was in first period I did see her the rest of the day. She probably skipped.

I began to walk up to the porch when I noticed someone. "(Y/n)?" I was in shock. "Benny?" She said as she past me. She was mesmerizing, and then she got into a car. I kept staring. Why was she here!?. "GRANDMA!!?" I yelled rushing into the house. "GRANDMA WHERE ARE YOUUU?" I yelled before walking right into her knocking her of her balance. I grabbed her. "Benny what are you yelling for?" She questioned. "That girl, why was she here!?". "Calm down Benny, she's family of a friend. You'll see here time to time.". She explained.

"Well she goes to my school and Ethan says she's bad news!" I tried to explain but honesty I just want to see her more, she so hot. "Relax Benny. I've known her as long as I've known you. And I've known her parents and family a long time, she needs help from me.". She tried to be calm but she was hiding something. "What do you mean help?" I asked. "you'll know in time, just be nice to her, be her friend, she needs someone to lean on, and I think you two would look adorable together!" She cooed. "Aw grandma stop!". I said hiding my blush with my hands.

Caster Demon (Benny Weir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now