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(y/n) POV

   I woke up slightly confused, I looked around and remembered I was with Benny and Ethan, they were talking. "Isn't she so pretty?" Benny said running is fingers through my hair. "she's awake" Ethan said pointing at me. I looked up at Benny and he blushed. "Well hey" I said smiling at him before sitting up. I rubbed my tired eyes and looked at my phone. It was about 8 and I had no messages from Raken. Thank goodness, because the last thing I need his him to be on my ass.

   "I should probably get going." I said letting out a yawn. Benny frowned. "Yeah and my parents will be home soon" Ethan chimed in.

   I reached down and grabbed my bag. I looked over to Benny. "Do you wanna walk with me to your house? I need to talk to your grandma.". I ask. "Oh, um yeah, sure." He said awkwardly and got up from the couch. "welp, I'll see you guys tomorrow.". Benny said, shooting finger guns at Ethan. I smirked. We walked out of the house and made our way down the street to Benny's house.

   "I actually don't know how to get there so you're gonna have to lead the way". I mentioned as we walked. "How'd you find Ethan's house then?" He asked looking over to me. I smirked. "Magic." I said snapping my fingers causing a little firework to expolde from my hand. He laughed. "that was really cool! You should show me how to do it some time." he said giggling. He was so dorky, it was cute.

We continued walking down the street and we were at his house in about ten minutes. The walk was mostly silent, but not the bad kind that makes you feel anxious and awkward. We walked up the porch and he opened the door for me. "ladies first" he said in a fancy voice. "I ain't no lady, Benny-boy" I said smirking and poked his chest before walking in the house. He followed behind.

   Upon entry, I heard a familiar voice. "Raken?"I yelled. Benny looked confused. "Oh (y/n)! I didn't know you'd be stopping by." he said walking up to me. Benny grandma followed behind. Things felt off. "I was just coming over to portal home, I was hanging out with some friends" I explained. "oh really-" Raken began to say but Benny's Grandma cut him off. "why don't you and Benny go upstairs, me and your uncle have some things to talk about.-". she turned to look at Benny. "-why don't you show her that light sword thingy of yours!" she exclaimed. I laughed and look towards him. "Light sword thingy?" I asked laughing. "oh shut up and follow me." he said grabbing my hand and pulled me towards the stairs. I felt a blush rise on my cheeks.

We walked down the small hallway and he opened the door. "Ladies first." I said laughing. He rolled his eyes and walked through the door, I followed. He had a computer by his window and a couple of book shelves against another wall, and a bed with Star Wars sheets. I walked around and looked at little nerdy stuff he had.

   "so where's the light-" I was saying as I turned around but I was interrupted by bumping into his chest. He was about to fall but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back up, but I used a little more strength then I needed. I ended up pulling him flesh to my body and we both fell into the book shelf. "oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to fall, but demon strength.' I said nervously. "you're good" he laughed. He looked down at me and I was still holding his shirt. God, would it look desperate if I just threw myself at him. I mean, I've never done anything with a boy, but I would do them with Benny.

I let go of his shirt and my hands trailed up his chest and around his neck. "Benny." I say in a sigh. "(Y/N)?" he said looking down at me. his hand grabbed my waist and he slowly leaned down towards me. Our lips were inches apart, and then Raken yelled my name. We both jumped away from each other. "I should go" I said rushing out in embarrassment.


The car ride home was long and silent. this was fine by me because I didn't have much to say anyways. I was so disappointed in the kiss that could've been. I let out a sigh. "Everything alright?" Raken asked. "oh yeah, I'm just tired". I said, putting on a small smile. we arrived at home, and I walked straight up to my room. I flopped down onto the pile of blanket and pillows on the floor. I smiled remembering Benny laying here when he got knocked out. I pulled the blankets closer hoping the would smell like him. and lucky for me, and my demon nose, I could smell him. I let out another sigh. I wonder how much trouble ill get in if I portal there and come back, I wont be gone for long...

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. it was about 10:30. Raken should be going to bed. I texted Benny.

me: wyd??

Within seconds he replied.

Benny: laying down, I'm really bummed you had to leave. :'(

me: What if I come back over? would that be cool with you?

Benny: ofc you can come over. is your uncle going to freak???

me: oh don't worry about him, be there soon ;)

I took a deep breath and changed into some leggings and a sweater. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my prism cube and opened a prism portal to Benny's room. i took a deep breath and walked through. I walked out of the portal and into Benny's room. the portal shut behind me. "woah, that was really cool!' he exclaimed. I laughed. He was sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and a pair of Star Wars night pants. I walked over to his bed and sat down. He closed his laptop and sat it on the floor.

   "Can we talk?"

Caster Demon (Benny Weir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now