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Benny's POV

   I took a deep breath and looked over at Ethan. "you two look at me now!" Grandma yelled. We both did as commanded. "- I can't believe you two tried to hurt that poor girl! Do you know what she has been through? And you Benny, I specifically told you to try to be friends with her, she is one of us, she is a caster, she is our people. Do you know what's happening to the witch bloodline?! It's going extinct! Slowly going away from our DNA generation by generation! You take care of your people..." I felt tears come down from my eyes. She turned to face Ethan. "-and you Mr monster hunter, I don't think you completely realized what you have done" she came closer to him. "-you could have blinded that girl, BLINDED her for the rest of her life, what then? Because you wouldn't have been able to kill her. So then you have a blind girl with MELTED EYE BALLS in your room crying you know what would have happened, JAIL FOR ASSAULT!" she yelled.

  She walked away for a second and took a deep breath. She turned back to us. "Both of you need to apologize to that girl and you'll be lucky if Raken doesn't find out and press Charges!" She yelled. I cut her off "-but Grandma, I already made up with (y/n)." I said she smacked me on the back of my head. "Ouch!" I yelled. "Apologize again then" and with that she walked away. Me and Ethan looked at each other. "What do we do?! Like she hates me Benny! I feel so terrible I just hate myself for this, I am supernatural, I just went after someone for no reason besides that she was supernatural, I'm a monster!" Ethan was freaking out. "Calm down Ethan, (y/n) was really nice when I talked to her. I think if she sees you feeling like this, she'll forgive you. She's not a monster she's really nice and she's really funny, I think we could really have a good future together, I mean she's so beauti-" Ethan cut me off. "stop swooning over her Benny! We've got serious things to deal with!"

   "Look I'll talk to her at school tomorrow, and we can figure this all out!" I said smiling and punching him in the shoulder. "Aren't your parents going out tonight, maybe we can invite her over and play space invaders 4 like we planned to, and Sarah will be there so (y/n) will have another girl to talk to." I said trying to lighten the mood.

(Time skip to Ethan's house)

   We were now in Ethan's kitchen putting together a table full of snacks. We were going to try and watch jacuzzi time machine, since last time we tried to watch it rory broke the tv antenna and Sarah got possessed. Ethan's mom yelled for us. We both walked into the living room. Sarah was here. "have fun boys, don't get to crazy. And don't play with the light saber thing in the house." Mr Morgan said. "sure thing dad." Ethan retorted and shut the door.

   Sarah walked over to Ethan. "so what are you dorks doing tonight?" She asked. Ethan blushed. "Well a friend of Benny's is coming over, she new to the school, her name is (y/n). I kind of owe her an apology." He explained. "What did you do?" Sarah asked. He looked over to me for some sort of approval to tell Sarah. I gave him an I don't know kind of look. "I just said some things and did some things Im for very proud of, I rather not go into detail." He said walking back over to me. "okay well you guys have fun. Let me know when the movies on, I'm gonna go play with Jane" she said walking upstairs. The doorbell rang.

  "You'll be okay Ethan" I said walking over to the door. I opened the door and there stood (y/n) wearing a black hoodie and some black skinny jeans with a pair of blue converse. She looked great. "hey" I said smiling. "heller". She smiled back. I moved aside and she walked in the house cautiously. I closed the door behind me. "Ethan's in the kitchen, just through there." I said pointing to the left.

   We walked into the kitchen and she sat down. I sat across from her and Ethan sat beside me. "do you want anything?" Ethan asked. "I don't know, is it poisoned." She snapped. Ethan blushed and bursted out into tears. "I'm so sorry (y/n) please forgive me, I was to busy playing monster hunter and I'm so sorry I hurt your eyes. If you want to press charges I understand". Ethan cried. He buried his face into his hands. "hey stop crying, hey come on, I don't hate you, please stop crying Ethan". She said softly. She walked over to him, and tapped on his shoulder. He looked up at her and wipe his tears away. " You don't hate me?" He questioned. "mad maybe, but I don't hate you, and I'm not going to press charges". She said softly. She stretched her arms out towards him he looked confused. "come on don't be like that, Im a hugger.". She laughed. I was totally jealous of Ethan right now. He stood up and gave her a hug. They stood there for a minute and she pooled away and sat back down.

   "Now that that's out of the way, I think I should explain what I am. I am half caster, sort of like a witch, and I am uh, half demon. But it's not like you think!" She explained. "then what is it?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "It's a curse, my mom made a deal with the fair folk in order to have me, my father couldn't have kids so they had no choice. Once a month, on the blood moon I change into my demon form." She looked at us and flashed those demon eyes of hers. They were a beautiful swirl of green and red. She blinked And they went back to normal. "- I don't want to hurt anyone. You don't understand how back it hurts me to be like this.". She grabbed both of our hands and looked at us. "it physically hurts. I fight it, and I've fought it for my whole life. And I'm not going to let the evil win. And I really think you guys can help me.". She explained. I was taken back. "well do anything we can." Ethan said.

   I cleared my throat. "Well I think Its only fair if we tell you our secrets too". Ethan looked at me as if we was telling me to go first since it was my idea. "well erm. Uh I'm a caster like you, my grandma taught me everything I know. But I've only known for about two years." I explained. She smiled. "I figured you were in the bloodline some how, but I didn't know you were a full caster. That's cool!" She smiled. "Bloodline? Full caster?" I questioned. "oh it's not like we need to talk about it right now. It's a full blown history lesson in Magick, another conversation for another time." She explained. I didn't protest against her, but I was unsatisfied with her not telling me.

  She looked over to Ethan. "And what about you?" She asked him. "Oh I'm a seer. I have like visions and I can some time talk to people through them. It's weird, but it comes in handy when we need information about something." He explained. "-yeah his eyes like roll into the back of his head and they go all white, freaky." I said cutting in. She laughed and bit her lip. I took a deep breath and Ethan looked at me like I was an idiot. "So your psychic?" She questioned. "Yeah I guess so, but I don't really know how to control it, it just kind of happens.". He said. "My uncle has a friend like you, maybe she can help." (Y/n) offered. "I don't know, we have other things to worry about, I rather not dive into". He said.

   "Do you want to meet Ethan's babysitter? Shes a vampire." I said nonchalantly. "Benny!" Ethan yelled hitting my shoulder. "What!? We're all supernatural baddies, she can know about her." I said calming him down. "wait, you have a babysitter? And is she that blonde bitch from school?". (Y/n) asked. "Wait, you know about Erica?" Ethan asked. "Yeah, we had some problem's." She said. "No it's not Erica, her name is Sarah." Ethan explained. "-lets go, she's upstairs.".

We walked upstairs and (y/n) followed behind us. Once we got to Janes room, Ethan opened the door. "hey that's the pretty girl from yesterday I was telling you about, Sarah!" Jane yelled. "um hi" (y/n) said awkwardly. Sarah got up and walked into the hallway with us and closed Janes door. "what's up guys?" She asked.
We introduced Sarah to (y/n) and gave her the rundown about everything that happened. As we talked she gave us looks of disappointment for what we did to (y/n). I swore I thought Ethan would burst into tears again but he didn't. (y/n) and Sarah ended up hitting it off pretty well, which sorta scares me, because if we piss them girls off they could easily kick our asses. Between the two of them, they had some serious muscle.

   We all walked back downstairs and (y/n) grabbed a can of Pringles and plopped down beside me on the couch. "hey" i said smiling. "Wassuuup" she laughed shoving a Pringle in her mouth. Ethan and Sarah sat down on the floor in front of us, and Jane sat I'm the recliner. "Alright ladies and Ethan, it's time to watch jacuzzi time machine!" I yelled and pressed play on the remote. (y/n) let out a little giggle and I blushed. She shook the can of pringles at me and asked if I wanted some. I grabbed some out and we snacked as the movie played.

   About half way through I felt (y/n) get closer to me. I tried to do that smooth yawn and put my arm around her trick but I more than likely looked so dorky. But non the less, my arm still ended up around her and I felt satisfied with that. She moved her arm from around her shoulders and placed it on her waist. She came closer to me and laid her head on my chest. My heart was beating out my chest but I tried to play cool and slowed down my breathing. She wrapped her arm around my torso and I think she fell asleep, which I didn't mind at all. I loved the feeling of her against me.

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