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"can we talk?" I asked. Benny's face softened. "Yeah of course we can." He said patting on the bed. "-sit down" he finished. I took a deep breath. "Benny".
"(Y/n)?, What's wrong". He asked. I could tell he was confused. "I really like you Benny, like like you." I blurted out. I felt my cheeks get hot and Benny just smiled like an idiot. "Well, (y/n), if you couldn't already tell, I like like you too" he said.

   He put his hand on my thigh. "So does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?" He said with that big ol goofy smile. I turned to face him. I was now sitting Indian style across from him. "yeah, I think it does mean I want to be your girlfriend, but I don't want to rush into anything." I explained. "I'm in no rush, Ill be okay as long as I'm around you, I'd be willing to wait" he said grabbing my hands.

   "It's not like that Benny, I just, Raeken said I was incapable of being with someone because of who I am." I said putting my head in my hands. Benny got up, and he grabbed my hands away from my face. "(Y/n), I don't care if you're a demon, a witch, a wendigo, or even the spon of Satan himself, I want to be with you.". "really?" I asked. He pulled me up off the bed and put his hands on my cheeks. "Yes, really".

   I wrapped my arms around his torso and let my head fall into his chest. He put one of his hands on my head and the other on my back. I've never felt this feeling before, it feels warm, when I'm so used to being cold. I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I pulled away and turned around. Fuck why now. "(y/n) what is it?" He asked. He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him. My hands covered my eyes.

   "(Y/n) you don't have to hide yourself from me" he said trying to pull my hands away from my eyes. I wouldn't budge. He pulled me back into his arms and held me. He kissed the top of my head. "you promise you won't be scared?" I said, my voice muffled from my face being in his chest. "of you? Not in the slightest". He said caressing my hair. I took a deep breath and looked up at him.

"You're beautiful

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"You're beautiful." He said holding my face. "-so so beautiful" he finished. I stood on my tippy toes and put my hands around his neck. His hands wrapped around my waist and he lowered himself slightly to my height. I leaned in closer, and with out hesitation, Benny grabbed my face softly and closed the gap between us.

   He kissed me softly, and at first I was taken back by the feeling, but quickly fell in sync with his lips. His hand travelled back to my waist and he squeezed my hips, and before I knew it, we were slowly backing up back to the bed. I fell backwards onto the soft Star Wars comforter. Benny crawled on top of me, not breaking away from my lips for even a second.

   The kiss became more heated as my legs wrapped around his waist. His hands moved down my thigh and he pulled me closer to his groin. His lips pulled away from me. I was about to protest on the matter, but they moved to my neck. This was definitely a whole new feeling. My hips arched up as if my body had been possessed. A little yip escaped my mouth as I pressed against him, he was hard. "what was that?" He said slyly in my ear. "if I knew, I'd tell you." I said biting my lip.

   He found his way back to my lips, and his grip on my thigh got rougher, and I liked it. Our lips continued to interlock and my hands traveled up his back under his shirt. He began to grind against me and this time, the moans came from his mouth. He pushed my legs farther apart as he pressed against me harder. His hand moved from my thigh and played with the hem on my shirt before sliding it under, his fingers drawing on my bare stomach. He ran his fingers across my waste line, slightly pushing the tips of his fingers under my leggings. The feeling made my whole body jolt.

  As he continued to rub and grind against me, I felt this intense wave of pleasure began to rush over me. My breathing got hitched and he began to suck on my neck again. This time I let out a moan as I felt myself coming right to the edge. But before I could get there I was interrupted. I went to grab his waist. "ouch that hurt" he said pulling away. "what, what did I do?" I said immediately sitting up. And that's when I saw he was bleeding where I grabbed his waist. I looked down at my hands. My claws came out and I didn't even notice.

I got up from the bed and rushed to Benny's side. "Benny I'm so sorry" I said my face glowing bright red. He looked down at my hands and then looked back at me. I felt self conscious, and I think he noticed. "Hey, hey, it's okay!" He said trying to make me feel better.

   "This is what Raeken meant, maybe he's right, I'm to fucked up to even fuck" I sighed. He sat down beside me and turned his head to face me. "you're no more fucked up than the rest of us." He paused. "-and it's not like you meant to hurt me" he finished, placing his hand on mine. "exactly, I didn't want to hurt you and I still did, maybe I should go" I said standing up.

   He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. "(y/n), please don't leave.". He begged. I was now standing in front his in between his legs. He grabbed both of my hands and lined them up with his, interlocking our fingers. He looked down at my claws and kissed them gently. "If I have to get scratched just to feel that close to you, just to see that look on your face" he paused and pulled me into his lap. "just to know you're that close, it's worth it, and a million times more.".

   I sat my hand on his cheek and he placed his hand over mine. "if things get rough, like in bed, or just in general, I need you to let me know. I've never done anything like this before Benny. I can't control myself". I said laying my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and kissed my lips softly. "I've never done this either, but I'd like to do it with you". He said. We locked eyes and I sat my forehead against his.

   I pulled away from him and bit my lip. "so does that mean you wanna try again?" I said anxiously. He smiled and nodded hysterically. "yes and a million and one times after that." He said pulling us both down on the bed, but this time I was on top.

   Things slowly became heated again. One kiss after another, his hands traveled up my shirt, touching the top of my back. He pulled away and gave me this look. "What?" I asked confused. "Nothing" he said smiling wide. I pushed his chest. "bean head, what is it" I said  in a huff. "I just think it's really sexy you came to my house without a bra on." He said smirking. I bit my lip again. Just then there were loud foot steps coming up the stairs. I quickly jumped off of him.

   "Benny who is up there with you?" His grandma asked. Fuck fuck fuck, she's gonna tell Raeken. Benny starting throwing up his arms, mouthing the word "hide". I put my finger up at him to insist I got this. "conselio" I whispered. I turned invisible just as Benny's grandma opened the door.

   "Hey grandma!" Benny said awkwardly. I face palmed. He's gonna give me away. "who were you talking to?" She asked. "oh I was on video chat Ethan". He said suspiciously. "oh I could have sworn I heard a female voice" she questioned. "granny, I know Ethan is a bit feminine, but damn that's kinda rude" he laughed nervously. "oh alrighty dear,well I'll leave you alone." She said about to walk out the door. But then she turned around. "Revealia" she charmed. My cloaking spell was released. My eyes went wide. "grandma I can explain!" Benny exclaimed. I stood there frozen unable to move from the shock.

   "Don't worry dear, you guys aren't in trouble, but (y/n) needs to come with me for a little bit.". She said waving at me to follow her. I shrugged my shoulders and follow. "Please don't tell Raeken" I thought. "Don't worry,I don't tell him anything" I stopped. "wait, did you just, how, wait what??". She turned her head to me and smiled. "there's a lot of things that Raeken hasn't been telling you, and I think it's time we talked about everything that happened." She explained. "Why do you keep saying that! Raeken is my signed protector by the bloodline order!" I exclaimed.

She turned around and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Show me your claws." She demanded. "What no, why?!" I said. "Show me them now!" She demanded again. I took a deep breath. I balled my hand to a fist and release all my fingers in one swoop, my claws released. She picked up my hand. "What are you do-" before I could finish, she took my claws and dragged them across her palm. "Ms Weir! What are you doing!". I yelled. She showed me the scratchs, and they were bleeding black blood. "Raeken is not your signed protector by the bloodline order, I am.".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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