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   My head was spinning. What happened? I asked myself. Ay yes a big vine monster grabbed me! That was it!  My eyes slowly focused and I became aware of my surroundings. I felt soft pillows under me and I looked around. I was in a bedroom. And then I looked to the other side and found a very beautiful face beside me.

   I smirked and sat up. "well, hello there". I tried to say handsomely.  She bursted out into laugher and fell over on her back. "Who are you, James Bond?!" She said in between laughs. I was embarrassed and looked away. She seen me do this and stopped laughing. She sat back up on her knees and smiled. She punched my shoulder. "It was still cute, don't worry!" She laughed. I blushed.

   She swiftly switched from being on her knees to sitting criss cross applesauce beside me and faced me. "So, all jokes aside, I am extremely upset with you guys, and I'm upset with you for breaking into our cemetery! Like you could have been killed."  She said in an irritated tone. She was cute when she was mad, she cared about me, I could tell.

   I turned to face her and smiled. "Well, I followed you sorta" I explained. "You what?" She said. I raised my hands slightly. "-well look In my defense I just wanted to talk to you about all of that and I really just don't want to leave it like that." I said looking at her. She wouldn't look at me.

   "Could you stop that?" She said annoyed. I was confused. "Stop what?" I asked. She looked at me. "stop trying to be all emotional and make eye contact with me, I don't like that.". She looked away again. "-now continue". She said.

   I cleared my throat and looked away. "-so I followed you, and I got caught by whatever that ugly monster was. I tried to get away but it dragged me and I hit my head." I explained pointing at my head. "For your information, that monster is a land keeper and he's doing is job, you were trespassing on what's considered holy land. You shouldn't be mad at him.".

   "Look, my grandma told me about you a little bit, and I tried to explain to Ethan and he just thought I was, uh being bit blindsided.". I explained. "Blindsided?" She question. "Well uh just being your, uh you work with my grandma and all! You know just family friendships." I said awkwardly. "I mean I just met your grandma, Im figuring things out along the way too, ya know." She said. She smiled at me.

   "I really like you, well I mean you guys, you and Ethan". She said awkwardly. "-im not one to hold grudges, but what you guys did really could have hurt me, blinded me! I just don't know if I can't trust you guys.". She said. She looked over her shoulder and got up. "Hey, I really think Ethan will never do anything like this again, what if you guys can talk and maybe we can figure this all out!?" I exclaimed. "Don't act like you didn't help him Benny. You tricked me just as much as Ethan did." She said not rudely or angrily, she was sad, and she was speaking the truth. I looked down.

   I went to get up and felt very dizzy. She ran over to me and grabbed my side. "Hey, are you okay?". She said looking up at me. I smiled, she was short. " Yeah I'm okay just dizzy. ". She led me over to the bed and I sat down. "stay her I'll get you some water.". She said walking out the room.

   I sat on the bed and just looked around. Her room was a big square and be door was on the right side with long beads in the doorway. She had a desk that was black again the wall along with a big maple dresser. Her closet was big and had two sliding doors. Next to the windows she had a shelf fool of all sorts of things, and in front of the next window was a canopy hanging from the ceiling and there were pillows and blankets, that's where I woke up at. On the windows were crystal's and bottles, and hanging from the ceiling were dried fruits and herbs. She walked back in and my head snapped towards her.

  In one hand she had a cup and the other was a pack of chips ahoy. She handed me the cup of water "thank you" I said taking a drink and sitting it on the desk beside the bed. She kicked off her Sandles and climbed on the bed, setting the pack of cookies between us. "eat a cooking, your blood sugar is probably low.". She said opening the pack and taking one for herself. I smiled "you don't have to tell me twice!" I said laughing. I took a cookie and began to snack on it. My phone began to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket And looked at the caller ID. It was Ethan. I answered. "hey dude". I said "Benny where are you!?" He sounded like he was crying. (y/n) looked away trying not to invade the conversation.

   "What's wrong Ethan?" I asked. "Your grandma is here and she's yelling at me. I feel so terrible about what I did to (y/n) I really could have hurt her!". He was crying. "Calm down Ethan, I'm with her right now!" I said trying to chill him out. "oh good put her on the phone!" A voice yelled. "grandma?!". I asked. "yes now let me speak to (y/n)!" She demanded. I looked over to her. "my grandma wants to talk to you." I said handing her the phone. She looked confused and put the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" She asked. "Yes I was there today" "yes they did do that" "yes I can see my eyes are fine" "I don't know miss weire, they seem very nice but I'm just gonna need some time" "no your fine. I think I can handle it, and yes he's here with me." "How did he get here, well I'm not completely sure, your gonna have to ask him.". She handed me back the phone.

   "Hello?" I asked. "Benny we're gonna have a serious talk when you get back!" And with that she hung up the phone. I looked over to (y/n) and she had a smirk on her face. I let out a sigh and grabbed another cookie, falling back on the bed. I stretched my arms on and (y/n) came closer and laid her head on my shoulder. I tried to play cool but I think she noticed I was nervous. She looked up at me. "What's wrong Benny?" She asked. "Nothing, I just still feel really bad about everything, I feel like I shouldn't be here, I just I'm so sorry...". I tried to explain but the words came out as a jumbled up mess.

   "You feel like you shouldn't be here? Do you not want to be here?" She asked. My face dropped. "No no! Of course I want to be here, I mean I went through a lot to get here." I said laughing nervously. She smiled. "you should get home, my uncle will be back." She said sitting up. "I'll portal you there." She finished. I sat the cookies down and grabbed my things. "You can take those if you want" she said nodding over to the cookies. "ooo! Free cookies!" I said grabbing them and putting them in my bag. She laughed. "What a goof" she said rolling her eyes.

   She opened a Portal, something I've never seen before. I mean I know you can portal with crystals, but she just made one out of then air. Hmm. I went to walk through but she stopped me. "Your not going to say goodbye?". She asked. I smiled and stepped over to her. I pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around my torso. "I'll see you at school (y/n)". I said pulling away. "bye Benny" she said. And with that I stepped through the portal and found myself in my grandmas study face to face with my very angry grandma. "Awe man! Come on!" I said in a huff. (y/n) totally did that on purpose. I sighed in defeat and sat next to Ethan, and prepared for the speech grandma was about to give.

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