The Mysterious Man

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Cordelia walked in inaudibly, already spent the day.

She scanned her plane ticket to figure out where she was going to sit, 112.

Her seat was right at the back next to the guy with the round tinted sunglasses.

As she walked towards the middle, the gentleman looked up at her and removed his pack from her designated place.

"Thank you", she said.

He didn't reply.

Cordelia got angry. Why couldn't he just reply? Why was everyone maltreating her today?

Tears formed in Cordelia's almond eyes.

Frustrated, Cordelia took her small phone out of her pouch and phoned her mama.

"Momma?" Cordelia sniffled.

"Yes, Cordelia? Why are you crying?" her mother responded worriedly.

"Momma, I don't want to be here.", Cordelia sobbed.

"But why?" her mom said, disoriented.

Surely it couldn't be as bad as she thought it to be.

"Momma...I just want to go home.", Cordelia continued.

The man next to her snorted, annoyed.

Cordelia was going to continue, but he ripped her phone out of her hand.

She didn't even oppose. She just cried into her palms.

After what seemed for ages, Cordelia wiped her eyes and looked up.

He had removed his glasses, and he was gazing at her with a worried and confused expression.

The man had a complexion different from hers and different from the white folks; he was dark, but he had a lighter complexion.

He was handsome; he had curled hair and light coffee-coloured eyes.

His face looked friendly even with the frown on his face.

Cordelia grinned stupidly.

"I apologise; my name is Jairus", he uttered with his warm voice.

It wasn't the stereotypical macho voice.

He sounded like a broken poet.

Cordelia curiously questioned what his backstory was.

"My name is-,"

"-Cordelia, I know.", he said, beaming.

Cordelia was puzzled for a second, but then she remembered her mother was a pretty full speaker.

Cordelia in the world of racism.Where stories live. Discover now