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Haechan fell terribly sick that night, he was rushed to the hospital and it had a fortnight since he woke up. Mark never left his side, he cried the whole time like he was afraid tomorrow would only bring bad news. But how long can you expect a wasted heart to hold on and fight? He's been fighting for his life for years  now. The surgery they spoke of would either bring happiness or death. Happiness meant a another few years to live but that would only pain Haechan more also weaken him further.

"Get up!! You've been asleep for too long." Mark begged, he pleaded but all he heard as a response was the beeping monitor that indicated the boys heart beats.

Age 5
"I hate him!!! Stop trying to make me talk to him!"

Age 10
"He's sick! He's always in the hospital!!! He's going die and I don't want him!

Age 12
"I'm a kid!! What kid is engaged at that age?!"

Age 15
"Mark?! Why is your nose bleeding??"

"He bullied Haechan."

Age 17

"Why is your arm broken?! Son what are you?! A gangster?!"

"They bullied Haechan."

Age 18
"Why are you always coming home with bloody lips or spilt eyebrows?!"

"They laughed at Haechan.

Age 20
"Why are you in the police station?! Why the fuck are you behind bars?!"

"Your son almost broke his classmates brains."

"Mark what happened?! Answer me damn it?! I'm your father!"

"He touched what's mine!!! He touched my Haechan!"

Age 21
"I love him............I would love to marry him this spring. If that's possible."

"Are you sure? We aren't forcing you honey."

"I can't help it, I wouldn't go to prison if I didn't love him. I broke that guys brains because he touched my wife, he deserved that. Mom, Dad I know I hated him as a kid my right now. He's my world."

Spring blew by with Haechan still motionless, the friends took turns in sitting behind the golden beauty, he showed no signs of waking up at all. Mark thought perhaps it would be better if he let his darling go. That way non of them would be in pain. Especially Haechan. Every surgery gave him a few more years to live but it also rewarded him with unbearable pain.

"Mark Jaemin has bought you a change of clothes. I'll sit with Haechan." Jeno smiled reassuring him    as the older left to change.

"You need be strong for him." Jaemin sighed softly helping Mark dress. He gasped when the older hugged him tightly as he broke down crying.

"What do I do?!" Mark sobbed collapsing on the ground with his best friend. Jaemin just just hugged him, letting the boy spill out all his pain.

It wasn't entirely easy to be in love with someone who had his life dangling on a thin line. To spend every moment with a fear sitting at the back of his heart. Mark was missing school, he just remained next to Haechan all day. Flowers withered away, some died some fell apart.

"Want me to stay with you?" Jaemin caressed Marks tear stained face.

"No. You go get some sleep." Mark drowsily mumbled with red swollen eyes.

"It's not Jess who needs sleep. It's you. He's going to devastated if he finds you like a mess." Jeno stated in a matter of fact kinda way. He wasn't entirely wrong though, Haechan would blame himself if he saw Mark.

"What if he wakes up and I'm not there??" Mark sniffled.

"But do you want him to be sad when he sees you or happy? Go home and get some sleep. Be back in the morning." Said Jeno and they agreed to the decision.

Mark hadn't eaten in weeks, months to be precise. He would often live on caffeine or just strave. Why did he love that boy so much? Taeyong felt guilty for putting his son through such a phase. But also understood that no one ever love Haechan the way his little Markie did.

"Mom? He'll survive right? Would it be selfish of me to want him to stay? I'm not strong enough to let my baby go." Mark back hugged Taeyong that morning. Having not slept a wink the previous night.

"I never thought you'd love him so much. Sweety, it's okay to want him to stay. But don't you think we are putting him through so much of pain?" Taeyong turned around with a soft smile.

"But if his husband gives up on him then............He'd die. And I don't want to give him up." Sniffled Mark.

Ten cried into Johnny's chest as Yuta sighed seeing the reports from the last surgery. They had to do one now, but Haechans body condition was way to weak for anything. Mark smiled at Jeno as the eye smiling boy left and he took his place next to the beauty.

"He'll have to live in a monitor if he doesn't wake up." Mark heard Yuta explain to the beauty's parents as he clasped the stubby arm inside his small but strong arms.

"Please just wake up." Mark prayed, tears slipping down his cheeks. Those stubby fingers twitched holding back the strong warm hold. When the older looked up, big glossy beary orbs stared back at him.

"Haechan?!" The blue haired boy pulled the oxygen mask away then immediately regretted. The younger started coughing gaining his parents attention and his doctors.

"Take.........Take me away from.....from here." Haechan grabbed Marks shirt weakly. The older turned to Yuta and Johnny who nodded as he carried the sick boy out of the hospital. Ten only thanked heavens that his baby was alright.

Haechan hugged Marks neck tightly, he could barely breath, he was frail, blue and had white patches lips. As they sat at the hospital gardens, the younger noticed the tears that slipped down Marks eyes. The sudden bone crushing hug made him giggle softly.

"Thank you." Sniffled Mark and Haechan snuggled into him.

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