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"M-Mommy?" Haechan whispered at Ten once he went home. Ten looked up at him with a smile.

"Yes darling?" Ten kissed his chubby cheeks that had seemed to come back faster than they thought.

"I-I know I'm still in highschool.......but.......but can I m-marry Mark? B-Before it's too l-late. I want to......be with him." Haechan mumbled tiredly at his mother who nodded smiling.

Mark was asleep when Johnny carried Haechan to their house one morning. With bags and luggage. Jaehyun looked at his friend who looked devastated, as if the little boy would not hold on anymore. Taeyong gestured Marks room as the giant went upstairs and placed the Pudu next to his lion.

"He wants to get married. Before this year ends, I don't know why but I guess that's the best we can do for him. Or them." Johnny sighed once he came out of the room.

"Sure thing. Let's have the wedding." Agreed Jaehyun.

Haechan woke up to Marks arms around his bare waist. His t-shirt had rolled up, his back was pasted to the olders chest, slowly he turned to face the handsome older. Weakly smiling at the flawless complection of the man he always came back for. He pressed his lips on the edge of the olders ones.

"How did you get here?" Mark sleepily murmured as he opened his eyes.

"Daddy left me here. I'll be staying........with you. Will you marry this Terminally ill boy?" Haechan giggled once he was pulled over the olders chest.

"Yes I will. Without a doubt." Smiled Mark with loving eyes. He caressed Haechans flanks, after months of being unconscious his Teddy Bear was back, straddling him cutely with that contagious smile.

"My chest hurts.......And my head is spinning. Can I lie down?" The cutie plopped next to the boy with a whimper.

"Will you be going to school?" The older sat up, reaching over to the study table.

"Yes. After I'm healthy enough. Is that a ring?" Haechan lifted his ring finger up as a gold engagement ring slipped down the said finger. "It's gorgeous." He faintly giggled.

"I designed it myself a few years back. I was shy to give it to you and mom said the diamond was too big." Mark rubbed his nape as he hovered the sick boy who was born with the touch of God for he was so relentlessly gorgeous.

"Meanie.........." The younger pouted cutely as he smooched the olders lips, the older smirked slanting his head and capturing those plump pink ones. Haechan immediately kissed back with a smile, he loved kisses so much. He'd never complain if his man kissed him 24/7.

"Why are you so squishy? Wake up now. Time for breakfast, I'm straving." Mark smacked his lips as he left the pouting bear to waddle after him with dropped ears.

Haechan cuddled next to a shirtless Mark with a yellow fluffy hoodie and grey sweatpants. They were watching a movie and the teddy tried not to cough but he couldn't stop the tiny coughs that escaped his lips. His heart hurt making him gasp, his beeping watch wasn't with him so Mark didn't hear anything.

"Honey.......just because I don't hear the beeping doesn't mean I don't feel you. Does it hurt?" Mark whispered and the younger nodded with trembling lips.

"M-My....... medicine." Haechan started coughing as the older rushed to get his darling his medicine.

"Here drink it." Mark panicked feeding the boy his medicines. But Haechan refused to drink it, he blushed pointing at the olders lips. So the medicines were sent down Haechans throat by Mark. The deep lip lock making the younger loose his breath.

"B-Bad lion!" Haechan gasped bashfully blushing. He shyly pushed the older away a little but pulled him closer again.

"Want to go out? Maybe school? You might feel better." The older punched the chubby cheeks softly and playfully.

"Yesh." The younger beamed.

It took great power to pretend he was alright, he stifled a cough as he sat at his desk. Jaemins arm always rested on his shoulder to comfort him that it's going to be okay. But was it? He didn't know, he stood up, walking out the classroom and through the hallways. He needed Mark more than his medicines. He barged into the classroom, silent like a mouse as he sat on Marks lap surprising the older.

"Baby bear why are you here?" Mark whispered softly with care and love.

"I.......I just wanted to be in your arms." The sick boy coughed on Marks chest, he just hid his face tiredly.

"Hey......... You're scarying me. Did you take your medicines?" The older smiled as the younger pouted and lifted his legs on the older, curling into a small ball and falling asleep.

"Are you trying to tell me I'm single? Like gosh these two........Being all lovey dovey in my class. I'll sue." Mr Jeon grumbled at the couple.

"We didn't see you with Mr Kim at all. I was totally blind. Guys Jun-" The teacher dragged the student away from class as Haechan was rocked to sleep in the arms of his lover.

Jeno had gotten Haechan ice scream after he woke up, Jaemin had sprained his ankle at the cafeteria so Mark was with him while he was getting treated. The red head bounced next the handsome dark head when They saw something they shouldn't. Haechans ice cream fell and Jeno spat out his drink at the scene. It was way to intense to stop looking and not appropriate for school at all.

"Holt shit!" Jeno covered Haechans innocent eyes as he guided him away from the place.

"Should we react to it or should we just forget about it?" Jeno gulped at weak Channie lifting his hands to be carried.

"I'm heartbroken......." Haechan sniffled on the boys shoulders as they left the place as soon as they could. The younger hissed in unbearable amount of pain.

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