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"No. Haechan a no is a fucking no." Mark refused, he just didn't want to do it. No matter how many times his wife pleaded for it.

"Mark......Please. Why are you making me beg for it?!" Haechan wiped his eyes, he could barely stand yet here he was asking his husband to love him.

"I'm not baby. You are sick! You said your heart is aching. I don't know about you but my heart aches for you and I can't be the reason you die!" Mark shouted at Haechan making the beauty flinch and shiver.

"I-I won't die just because you fuck me   Mark. I know I'm really tired, my head is spinning but all I want right now is you. Please." Haechan cupped Marks face connecting their lips as the older gave in.

Fear of loosing this boy under him built up within Mark. He couldn't stop crying which made Haechan pout weakly, his moans were softer than his usual blood curdling ones, they were mere whispers. His body rarely even moved, but he still stared at Marks, his smile never fading.

"I promise........Ahh. Beary won't go. Beary swear." Haechan wiped Marks cheeks fondly.

Mark took the coach that night after all the insanely dangerous rounds his wife wanted for he was afraid he'd wake up to a dead Haechan. Alas, he woke up to an unconscious beauty on the kitchen floor. The beauty was like ice and white like chalk.

"Baby!! Teddy!" Mark shook Haechan as he felt the boys arms that were so cold and his feet. He was immediately rushed to the hospital.

All love stories weren't filled with happiness, some were broken and some were filled with tears. Mark wept outside Haechans door, he had been hospitalised for over a fortnight now. He didn't know what to do or say, he didn't inform anyone. For he didn't want to bother them, he worked beside his wife and stayed at the hospital for him. He kissed his wife's forehead, as he left the hospital room for fresh air. Haechan flinched after minutes, springing up with a gasp, he pushed Yuta away with fear as he looked around for his lion. Plucking off the wires that were pasted on his chest he ran outside crying.

"M-Markkkk." Haechan stumbled, his blurry vision seeing his husband at a distance. Of course he felt the olders presence close when he was unconscious.

"Baby hae?" Mark turned around as the beauty collapsed in his arms and they fell on the floor.

"D-Don't leave m-me." The brunette blacked out in his arms.

Months passed, Haechan had not gain conscious again, his heart didn't show any signs of recovering but Mark wanted to believe his wife was. He sighed, when Taeyong came inside the room with that worried puppy look. The mother ran his fingers through his son's hair.

"I don't want to give him up!!! I'm scard. I'm afraid that one day I'll wake up and my beary won't be next to me. I can't loose him.......I love him so much Mom." Mark hugged Taeyongs waist as he cried and cried like a child .

"He's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." Taeyong whispered patting the son's head.

"He's pregnant. Are you guys aware of it?" A gorgeous Chinese man walked inside, he giggled. "I'm kidding. He's not strong enough to conceive just yet. Hello. I'm WinWin Yuta's wife, I'm here because my man broke his fucking leg yesterday. Anyways he's. Dramatic bitch so let's treat your little pea in my way. According to Haechan, he has a weak heart which might cause a heart failure the way it goes. He experiences fatigue, cough, chest pain,swelling in knees, ankles and abnormen." Win-win flipped through the patient results.

"Y-Yeah." Sniffled Mark looking desolate and hopeless.

"He's going to die soon, that obvious but it shouldn't be that he died without his husband giving his hardest try. Right?" Said the doctor who checked the gorgeous boys heart monitor.

"I'll do anything for him!!!" Mark stood up with a confidence rolling off every word spoken.

"Good. Once he wakes up, I'll give you an appointment after a week. Meet me at my hospital okay?" Saying so Win-win smiled at Taeyong who he prolly knew back in highschool.

"Thanks WinWin." Taeyong squeezed his friends arm.

"That baby deserves the world. Ten suffered to have him." Sighed the doctor.

Haechan woke up a month later, his weak fingers caressing Marks fading blue hair, he grew slow breaths from his oxygen mask, a faint smile grew on his pale cracked thick lips. The older turned around as he gave that smile, for he was waiting for the beauty to wake up. Praying and hoping for better days, he connected their foreheads.

"Y-You look......" Haechan coughed. "You look hot." He giggled caressing the olders thin cheeks. The younger hummed in content. "I want........want to go home." He pouted.

"We will. Soon. I promise." Mark removed the oxygen mask as he smooched Haechans lips. "Can't wait to destroy you once we get home." Teased the blue head making the younger blush.

"Try......Try scoring a p-point or two this.........this time." The younger sniffled wrapping his arms around his husband's neck.

"Will try my best. Thank you for being a strong teddy. I love you so much honey." The older peppered kisses all over the cutie's face, the younger erupted into a train of tiny giggles.

"I love you so much to Mark." Haechan connected their lips together again as the hugged after, tightly with bubbling affection.

"I'm going to take you on a vacation. Nomin and us, we are going to Hawaii. Its going to be a honeymoon but our idiots will have a pre honeymoon." Mark chuckled making Haechan so excited that he squealed, his heart beat increasing. The actual reason being the first step of his treatment.

"Give his weak heart exercise. The stronger it gets the better he'd become." Win-win had said that day.

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