Chapter 6

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Anna's P.O.V

"I took you because I love you."

I looked up at him in disgust as he straightened up. Love me? This is what you call love? What kind of crazy person is he? Kidnap a 16 year old and then tell her you love her? Is that his idea of love?

I glare up at him, not believing a word he was saying. The truth was I just didn't want to believe him. Deep down, I knew he was not joking around. It was just to hard for me to accept it, so I don't want to believe in what he was saying.

I tugged at my wrists, the ropes now burning my flesh. Jason brought out a pocket knife from his back pocket.

I stiffened instantly, wide eyed. Jason noticed, and chucked before gesturing to my hands. "The knife's for the ropes babe, not for you." he said winking.

He bent over me, deftly cutting through the ropes at one go. I bought my hands up, and rubbed them. Deep, red angry marks were left from the ropes. I massage my wrists, trying to get the blood flowing back to them

Jason looks at my hands and sighs, and his eyes soften, "I didn't mean to hurt you." He says, reaching out to touch me, but I shuffle away to the corner of the bed, I don't want to be touched by him, as much immature that may sound, it's true.

"Anna," Jason growls warning, "don't be like that, now come on, I want to show you my house." I stay where I am, tears rising in my brown eyes. A thick lock of black hair falls over my face, and I am glad that I am getting some kind of shield from Jason's stare.

I don't want to anger Jason. I don't even know what he is like yet. He is a dangerous criminal and he's hurt many people in the past without hesitation. I am sure he won't spare me either, if I push his buttons to the limit.

But then, maybe it will be better to die now.

I sigh, keeping my head down and slowly inching myself out of the bed. Jason smiled, "Good girl," I cringe; I don't like being called that.

Jason takes my hand into his, intertwining it. I to pull away, but Jason holds on firmly and gives me a tight nod, "Just don't Anna."

Before exiting the room, he stops and picks up a glass of water from the desk, offering it to me again. I keep looking at my feet because I am sure that if I look up at him, then I will start crying all over again. I quietly mumble a "No thanks." Jason stays silent placing the glass of water back at the table.

I lick my dry lips looking at the water, wanting to gulp it all down but my stubbornness wins me. Inwardly I sigh, what can I do to get out of this situation? I consider kicking Jason in the groin again and running, but I know I wont be able to get that far because I don't know where the front door is. My stomach churns, releasing how helpless I am.

Jason tugs softly on my hands, leading me out of the room, I have no choice but to follow. I gasp at how big the house is, there must be at least 20 bedrooms in here.


The house tour is done. It turns out that I was right about the 20 bedroom thing. Jason leads me up the staircase to the floor that has only one bedroom. He walks in, "And this is where you will be staying." He says, smiling. I look around the room, it has one king sized bed, a dressing table, a comfy looking sofa with a huge TV hanging off the wall and a huge walk in closet and a attached bathroom. This room is surprisingly neat for a guy.

Jason wraps his hands around my waist suddenly, causing shivers to run up my spine. I try to get away, but his grip is tight. He rests his chin on my shoulder, studying my face, his mouth close to my ears and his chest pressed against my back. Tears are in my eyes again. I whimper, "Get off m-me....p-please...."

Jason chuckles, his chest vibrating, "Oh Anna, I can't wait to share this room with you, I can tell it will be fun."

I gasp, I cant believe that I have to share a room with him. I mean how bad can this get? Sharing a room with the most wanted criminal in the world, is not what I ever planned. Thousand of questions for Jason to answer swim in my head, but I just keep my mouth shut, scared that he is going to hurt me. Instead I struggle a big more to get out of his arms, and he finally steps back.

I don't like how Jason is pampering me so much. For God's sake I am sixteen! And I know that Jason is a monster behind this act he had put on, I just don't want him to drop the act. I am not yet ready to face the monster inside.

Jason can be the most wanted criminal, but that doesn't stop my mind from planning how to escape.

And I promise, I will get out of here, soon.

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